AEE Faculty and Alumni Win Big

NC State belltower

Several talented faculty and alums of the Department of Agricultural and Human Sciences swept the awards at the American Association for Agricultural Education (AAAE) national meeting.

Dr. Jay Jayaratne received the award for the Outstanding Extension Educator in the country for 2018. Dr. Jay was recognized for his work in Extension Evaluation, his evaluation efforts associated with funded research, and his service to the organization and to other professional organizations.

Dr. Kevin Curry, who completed his doctoral program in AEE at NC State last year, received the award for the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation completed in 2017. Dr. Curry is now an Assistant Professor at Penn State University where he just completed his first year. His dissertation was directed by Dr. Travis Park, who was also recognized at the conference. Each doctoral-granting institution in Agricultural and Extension Education was allowed to submit one doctoral dissertation that was completed in 2017. Eleven dissertations were submitted this year and were judged by a panel of judges made up of AAAE Fellows. Kevin received a plaque and a check for $500. Incidentally, the award was presented by the chair of the AAAE Research Committee, Dr. Misty Lambert from Iowa State University, who happened to complete her undergraduate degree in Agricultural Education here at NC State University.

Another graduate of our program, Dr. Kristin Stair, was recognized by AAAE as the winner of both the Distinguished Teaching Award for 2018 and the Outstanding Agricultural Teacher Educator. Dr. Stair is an Associate Professor of Agricultural Education at Louisiana State University.

Congratulations to all!

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