Please be advised of the latest guidance concerning faculty, staff and student access to North Carolina Research Stations and University Field Labs.
- NCDA&CS and NC State University Research Stations and Field Labs are closed to all external visitors until further notice.
- Access to research stations by faculty, students, and program staff to perform critical operations will require prior approval from the station superintendent.
- Upon arrival at a research station or university field lab, immediately implement social distancing practices that are suitable for the location.
- Research station superintendents are directed to implement staff social distancing practices immediately. This includes but is not limited to operating in shifts, practicing separation during breaks and implementing flexible work schedules.
- Research station priorities, in order: 1) well-being of staff, 2) care for livestock and 3) supporting research
- Faculty should coordinate and manage graduate student and staff travel to the research stations and field labs to ensure the most current rules and policies are applied. Superintendents should be contacted prior to travel to the research station to discuss planned work.
- Many of the activities conducted on research stations are safer when at least two people (from the project leaders program) work together. If possible, consider traveling to and from the research station with a maximum of two people per vehicle.
If you have questions, please contact Reid Evans or David Monks.
Reid Evans
Interim Assistant Director, NCARS
Director of NC State Research Stations and Field Labs
201 Patterson Hall, Campus Box 7643
NC State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-7643
Email: jrevans2@ncsu.edu
Phone: 919-515-4057
David W. Monks
Associate Director, NCARS
201 Patterson Hall, Campus Box 7643
NC State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-7643
Email: dwm@ncsu.edu
Phone: 919-515-2717