Academic Calendar and Classroom Safety Updates for Fall 2020

Chancellor Randy Woodson recently announced changes to the Fall 2020 calendar that have been made in order to maintain the health, safety and well-being of all students, faculty and staff. These updates will allow the term to end prior to Thanksgiving in an effort to reduce travel to and from campus and to stay ahead of a potential second wave.

Academic Calendar

In addition to the semester beginning on August 10, nine days earlier than originally scheduled, the following changes have been made to the Fall 2020 academic calendar:

  1. Last day of classes: The last day of classes for the first 8-week session will be Monday, September 28. The last day of classes for the fall regular session and the second 8-week session will be Friday, November 13.
  2. Shortened Final Exams: Final exams will take place from November 16-20 with no reading day, and will have a maximum time limit of 2.5 hours. The updated final exam calendar will be posted to the Student Services Center website in the coming weeks.
  3. Classes to be held on Labor Day: The new calendar has eliminated Labor Day as a university holiday, and classes will be held on Monday, September 7. University offices will remain open.
  4. No Fall Break: NC State will forgo Fall Break, and classes will be held on October 8-9.
  5. Commencement Plans to be Announced: Plans for the fall ceremony are under review and will be announced at a later date.

Details for the new Fall 2020 academic calendar, including updated add/drop deadlines, are available on the Student Services Center website.

Return to Face-to-Face Instruction

NC State remains committed to safely returning to face-to-face instruction for the Fall 2020 semester, and we are taking several important steps to ensure a seamless transition back to campus. Here are some of the changes that you will see this fall:

  • Classrooms:
    • Classroom capacities are being reduced to allow appropriate social distancing.
    • Larger classes will be moved online or adjusted to use hybrid delivery methods.
    • Classroom technology is being upgraded to support the efficient recording and distribution of lectures.
    • Physical barriers will be installed, if appropriate, in front of lecterns.
    • Sanitation efforts are being increased to include more frequent cleaning of classrooms and increased availability of hand sanitizing stations.
  • Students, faculty, and staff are strongly encouraged to protect one another by wearing masks in public spaces. NC State has acquired over a million masks and is developing plans for distribution to our entire campus community.  Additional masks will be delivered throughout the academic year.
  • Training about best practices and community standards is under development and will be distributed to the campus over the summer.
These changes have been made in close conjunction with the Academic Calendar Task Force, and we continue to collaborate closely with university administration and partners as we work toward bringing the NC State community back to campus.

Additional information about fall plans and safety guidelines will be released over the coming weeks. We look forward to resuming classes in person in August.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at


NC State Department of Registration and Records

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