On behalf of Dr. Melanie Simpson, please join us as we celebrate the retirement of Dr. James A. Knopp from the Department of Molecular & Structural Biochemistry after 46 years of service.
In his 46+ years, he has had a major impact on the department, the college, and the university. He has taught over 10,000 students, authored/co-authored 3 books, and has been recognized for his research dealing with oxygen transport in tissues and organs. If you would like to congratulate him on his career achievements, share some fond memories (roasting the honoree will be allowed), or just wish him good luck on this new journey of spending his days sipping rum punch and sailing the ocean blue. Join us Monday, March 26th at Witherspoon Student Center from 3pm to 5pm! *RSVP no later thanĀ Friday, March 23rd, 2018.* |