Stories From 2023
Science Communicator Makes a Splash
Whether she's teaching students or swimming with sharks, Michelle Jewell with the Department of Applied Ecology finds inspiring ways to share science.
Making the Best Better: Celebrating 4-H
The 4-H Alumni Award recipients were celebrated for living out the mission of 4-H and creating a legacy of excellence within the organization.
Growing a Pollinator Garden
Whether you're interested in supporting bee populations, attracting more nature to your yard, or sprucing up your landscape, growing a pollinator garden is a great way to go!
Brewing the Next Generation of Beer Experts
The manager of the Wolfpack Brewing Lab, lecturer Sebastian Wolfrum supports the Brewing Science and Technology Minor offered through the college.
Radford Named Director of Alumni and Engagement
NC State CALS alumnus Daniel Radford has been named director of Alumni and Engagement in CALS Advancement, effective May 16.
Extension Careers and Recruitment Toolkit
A priority of the new Extension strategic plan involves positioning Extension as a premier employer. To support this long-term effort, we’ve developed an initial “toolkit” of materials for employees in the meantime.
Mental Health Awareness Month Reminders
May is Mental Health Awareness Month around the country and at NC State. Please take steps to maintain your mental health and take advantage of university resources.
Showcasing NC State Faculty
The Celebration of Faculty Excellence is held each spring to recognize outstanding faculty who have received prestigious state, national and international awards, accolades or other distinctions during this academic year.
Active and Fit Gym Offer
As a State Health Plan insurance member, you receive discounted access to thousands of gyms, on-demand workout videos and other great features.
Graduate Fellows Program
The Center for Environmental Farming Systems is accepting applications for the fellows program. The fellows program supports future food and agriculture systems leaders through networking and professional development.