Nominate Leaders for University Faculty Scholars

Lindsay Haynes-Maslow

Rewarding Faculty Leaders

Nominations of CALS faculty for the University Faculty Scholars Program are due to Harry Daniels on Sept. 28, 2021, by 5 p.m. The committee will select eight nominations. The committee’s nominations are due to the dean’s office by Oct. 5. 

The University Faculty Scholars Program recognizes and rewards emerging academic leaders who demonstrate significant achievement. Faculty members selected as University Faculty Scholars carry the title for the duration of their faculty appointment at NC State and receive an increase to their base salary.

Since the program began in 2012, 191 faculty have received this honor, many from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

Visit the Faculty and Staff Recognition page to learn more about the University Faculty Scholars Program, including criteria and eligibility, submission deadlines, and guidelines.

University Faculty Scholars

Lindsay Maslow-Hayes is a 2020-21 University Faculty Scholar.

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