Stories From Mar 2020
Communicating Coronavirus-related Extension Cancellations, Closures
Find guidance and resources to assist Extension personnel with communicating programming changes to your clients and stakeholders.
CALS IT: Remote Computing Resources for Staff and Faculty
CALS IT and Extension IT are responding as quickly as possible to the changing requirements surrounding COVID-19, remote working, and the IT requests. Included in this briefing are some answers to common requests at this time.
Mitigating Impacts to Research Activities (COVID-19)
NCARS' Dr. Steve Lommoel provides related and relevant CALS research updates and recent University and CALS advisories and memos.
Memo on GAs and COVID-19
One area where there have been numerous questions with regards to COVID-19 relates to Graduate Assistants (GAs), which include Teaching, Research, and Graduate Extension Assistants. NC State Graduate School Dean Peter Harries addresses many of those questions in this recent memo.
Program Updates for JC Raulston Arboretum
In an effort to be a responsible civic citizen, we are canceling all JCRA programs through April 5. This includes all tours, classes, and workshops, but JCRA’s gardens are open and welcoming visitors.
Event Cancellation Protocol
With the growing concerns related to COVID-19, and in light of recent university announcements, many organizations within our college are canceling upcoming events, CALS Communications offers suggestions and guidance for sharing this information.
Small Grain Field Day Postponed Indefinitely
North Carolina State University, North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the North Carolina Small Grains Growers Association are postponing indefinitely the Small Grain Field Day scheduled for March 18, 2020.
Plan Accordingly for Method Road Greenhouse Watering
NCARS encourages departments to develop plans to ensure proper watering schedules for projects in greenhouses.
Meeting Advisory for Research Stations and Field Labs
In consultation with NCDA&CS, field days, workshops and meetings on research stations and field labs owned by NCDA&CS and NC State University will need to adhere to recently announced meeting policies. These restriction are in effect until further notice.
CALS 2020 State Fiscal Year Close Out Schedule
The CALS 2020 State Fiscal Year Close Out Schedule is now available. Please reference this CALS-specific schedule for important financial deadlines.