2019 CALS Lunch and Learn series

Staff during a leadership event

The 2019 Lunch and Learn series launched in January, and the theme for 2019 is “Self-Aware, Self-Care: Creating a Culture of Wellness,” with topics covering everything from personal wellness, financial readiness, work-life balance, valuing and recognizing others, healthy living and more.

Our February 20 session will be presented by Angie Harris, Assistant Director, Wellness, and is titled “Mindfulness as Self-Care.” View the full schedule and register.

For those that are not able to attend in person, as with the last series, all sessions will be streamed, and recorded.

We hope 2019 will be a year of wellness for all in our CALS community, across our North Carolina locations, and right here on main campus, too.

We look forward to connecting with you over the coming months, and hope to see you on February 20th.

Your CALS Lunch and Learn Planning Team
(Nikki Kurdys, Rhonda Sutton, Katy Wilson, Rebecca Zuvich)

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