The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences is seeking nominations for the Excellence in Safety Award. This year our college has the opportunity to select two recipients if qualified nominations are received. They will be honored during a recognition whether virtually or at a luncheon hosted by my office pending the University/State guidelines for gatherings. Each recipient will receive a $250 check and a plaque.
Award Criteria:
Examples of excellence could include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following characteristics:
- Demonstrated safety leadership
- Creative response to a workplace hazard
- Appropriate safety and hazard prevention orientation and ongoing training
- Documentation and training of all individuals within group (for example, an individual who takes responsibility for training on a piece of equipment for each individual who needs to use that equipment)
- Maintenance of workplace safety program through time (as personnel change)
The CALS Excellence in Safety Award recognizes the meritorious accomplishments and contributions of individual employees. This Award recognizes the notable contributions that are above and beyond an employee’s normal job responsibilities. These meritorious achievements or accomplishments should be so singularly outstanding that special recognition is justified.
Excellence in Safety candidates should demonstrate excellence in their departments or divisions, the NC State campus community, the State of North Carolina or the lives of others.
A former award recipient may NOT be nominated again if in the same position/duties when the award was received.
Past and/or present safety committee members are not eligible for awards.
- Nomination Form with appropriate approvals (including supervisor and department head)
- A narrative describing the reason for the nomination (no more than two pages)
Electronic Submission Due Date: Friday, March 5, 2021 by 5:00pm
During this nomination process, we would like to encourage everyone to submit nominations of our many deserving employees. We have many respectable and safety conscience employees that are worthy of nominating! Thank you for your continued interest and support of this special recognition program.