Presentations: Integrating biological control in management of sugarcane aphids in sorghum; Toward near-real-time forecasts of airborne crop pests as a component of sustainable area-wide integrated pest management
The Southern IPM Center is proud to present a monthly webinar series called “IPM Hour – Southern Edition” that presents research, issues, and programs in IPM from the Southern Region. This will take place on Zoom on the first Wednesday of the month at 1pm EST, and will last 1 hour. Recordings of the webinars will be available after the event.
The following are the December presenters:
Ada Szczepaniec
Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology
Texas A&M AgriLife Research
Integrating biological control in management of sugarcane aphids in sorghum
Hsiao-Hsuan “Rose” Wang
Senior Research Scientist; Ecological Systems Laboratory, Department of Ecology and Conservation Biology
Texas A&M University
Toward near-real-time forecasts of airborne crop pests as a component of sustainable area-wide integrated pest management