Updates from the November Staff Senate general session.
Guest Speaker – University Police Chief Daniel House
Daniel House recently rejoined NC State as the campus police chief. Chief House previously was a sergeant and lieutenant with NC State’s police department before leaving to take on his first Chief assignment outside the University. Chief House provided an overview of the full services our campus police department provides (including it’s newest members, two mini clydesdales!) and their partnership with other law enforcement agencies throughout the state of North Carolina. Fifty-eight officers and the NC State 911 unit make up the majority of the NC State Policy Department. Did you know it takes on average 120 police officers to be involved with campus sporting events?! Other topics shared and discussed with Chief House were policy and oversight; specifically, the Clery Act, National Consensus-use of force policy, Four (4) year accreditation criteria. Training of officers and community training opportunities was another highlight to the discussion. Chief House emphasized training and community partnerships and involvement between citizens and the officers. He strongly supports training officers and joint efforts with other campus units (such as the Crisis Intervention Team- CIT training and the Counseling Center). Chief House welcomes anyone and everyone to reach out to him or anyone in the police department with any questions at any time. Please click on the link below for information regarding the NC State University Police Department https://police.ehps.ncsu.edu/.
HR Updates
Marie Williams, Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources, updated the Staff Senate with the following elements (in order as discussed): 1) The constantly evolving spring activation plans and how best to move forward with determining how many students will be on campus in the spring; 2) ramping up staffing and operations (noted that Charlie Maimone, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, would likely come back to a Staff Senate general session in the near future with updates); 3) UNC System Employee Engagement Survey participation (increased participation from 54% to 57%- way to go, NC State!) and to expect a detailed summary from Nancy Whelchel. Details and survey results can be found at: https://hr.ncsu.edu/employee-engagement-survey/; 4) Proposal from the staff senate and the faculty senate for a faculty and staff emergency loan program is currently under development and there is interest from University leadership on what the program would look like. 5) Conversations are occurring between NC State and the Office of State Human Resources on the possibilities of temp work for those who are furloughed. 6) As the floor opened for questions, Marie discussed with the Governance Committee Chair on the checks and balances process for incoming senators who either a) fill vacant seats after official elections occur or b) are nominated and elected during the normal election process.
Staff Senate Chair Report
Pat Gaddy provided insight on some key UNC System and University Committee meetings, such as: the UNC System Racial and Equity Task Force; Budget and Transportation Advisory Committees (Pat is a member of); and weekly meetings with Chancellor Woodson concerning staff assembly retreat. Other current events include the completion of the performance management review for the Provost’s office and the Janet B. Roster Scholarship recipients will be awarded in December. Planning for the annual golf tournament that raises the funds for the scholarship is underway and the tournament will be Wednesday, May 19th. The student leadership team and the Office of Leadership and Civic engagement expressed repeated gratitude for the active partnership and participation with the Feed the Pack food pantry. Chair Gaddy encourages all staff to attend the various “Lunch and Learn” opportunities offered through the Staff Senate and other campus partners. Lastly, Chair Gaddy shared a call for assistance from the University of Texas for the NC State Staff Senate to help them in developing and implementing a staff senate at their university.
Committee Protocols
Past Chair, Janice Sitzes, facilitated the discussion, review, and approval of the seven-page protocol guidance document for standing staff senate committees. Draft was approved by 98% majority vote.
Committee Reports
Communications – Christenna Hutchins
● Website
● Meet your senator meetings and communications
● Vice chair selected- Charles Hall
Community Service & Engagement – Allen Thompson
● Lunch and Learns- growing list of staff lunch and learns
● Promotion of Staff Senate
● Three drives to be announced in Staff Senate newsletter
Computer Loan Program – Alan Porch
● Vice chair selected- Joe Sutton
Diversity & Inclusion – Jill Phipps
● Shout out to committee members
● Discussed newsletter items:
○ Bring awareness to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
○ November 25th American Indian’s celebration
○ Green Zone Training- 12/23
● Interested in creating lunch and learn opportunities
● 21-day Challenge for Racial Equity through CUPA-HR
● Rupert Nacoste- February Black History series potential
Employee Experience & Relations – Dana DiMaio
● Approval to move forward on research- Faculty Senate “dixie” resolution to remove this word from NC State alma mater song
● Professional development opportunities-survey what is available and promoting programs
● Parking passes cost
● Open enrollment discussion shared
● Naming of NC State’s Recognition and Appreciation Program
External Affairs – Kim McAllister
● Trying to minimize how much information to share since there is a large quantity of information
● NC State spring semester calendar shared
● Election updates
● Increase of 25% of new NC voters registered
● Rejected mailed in ballots constantly changing- witness signature missing is a contributing factor
● Pepper sprayed rally members in alamance county- when asked to be dismembered and not to proceed with public
● Greensboro City Council vote to formally apologize for the 1979 massacre
● Pre-election protests in NC
● COVID-19 4,456 deaths reported since March in NC
● NC DHHS providing support and information relative to COVID-19 impacts and health insurance
● CDC FAQ- vaccine updates and progress on COVID-19 vaccination progress
Governance – Tracy Brown
● OKR by-law review and proposed change to vacant term filling wording
Resources & Environment – Adam Bensley
● R Jennings provided the committee insight on sustainability, social sustainability, NC State sustainability strategic plan
● Vice Chair selected- Brittany Bell
● December 3rd- make your own centerpiece
Please join us for the next Staff Senate general session on December 2, 2020, from 10 a.m.- 12 pm via secure Zoom. General Sessions are open to all NC State staff. If you would like to join, please let me know so I can share the Zoom link with you.
I am happy for the opportunity to serve you in the Staff Senate. If you should have any questions or concerns you would like Staff Senate to address, please feel free to contact your District Staff Senators: https://staffsenate.ncsu.edu/staff-senate-list/
Angela Brisson
Extension Assistant – NC 4-H Camping