In an effort to continue our shared learning and growth, we invite you to join us at the CALS Community Conversation focusing on race today, Tuesday, June 30, 9 – 10:30 a.m.
The Center for Environmental Farming Systems’ (CEFS) Committee on Racial Equity in the Food System (CORE) will lead and support us in moving our conversation forward. The discussion will touch on how we can continue our ongoing work to address structural racism in our communities, institutions and daily lives. We’ll provide a brief snapshot of the history of racism in our food system and how institutions have perpetuated those cycles of inequity.
This overview will support us in developing next steps as a means of learning how we can work together within our institutions and as individuals so we do not recreate these harmful systems. We will give an overview of the racial equity trainings CORE and many other Black and people of color-led organizations conduct to create a shared understanding and analysis of the impacts of structural racism and offer some possible action steps to support Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) in navigating these systems daily and white people in becoming more effective, competent and compassionate allies.
In the meantime, check out this list of dismantling racism resources–toolkits, parent and teacher guides, organizing and training lists and readings–from our friends and colleagues at dRWorks. You can also review the CEFS CORE Level I Racial Equity Training online toolkit.
Many of these worksheets were developed by and with our partners at dRWorks and OpenSource Leadership Strategies.
Tuesday, June 30 from 9 to 10 a.m.
Zoom link:
YouTube Live:
*Note that the YouTube link will not work until the webinar has started. Also, participants will not have the option to chat or submit questions via YouTube.
Have a question or comment? We want to hear from you.
If you have something you would like to add to the conversation, please feel free to submit it on the question portal in advance.