To allow truly critical off-campus research and demonstration projects to continue while reducing the spread of COVID-19 the CALS Research and Extension offices are calling for faculty and Extension agents to submit exemption requests for off-campus research and demonstration projects.
This call is for truly critical off-campus activities planned for June 1 – August 15, 2020.
In order to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and for the safety of all involved, significantly less travel and activities on private farms, research stations and University Field Labs needs to occur this summer. Please ask yourself if the risk of not doing the activity is greater than the consequences of spreading COVID-19.
If you deem your activity to be of absolute critical importance, a robust justification will be required and we strongly encourage you to greatly diminish replications, and sites to the absolute bare minimum. Also, all activities must maintain rigorous social distance, sanitation and disinfecting practices.
There are two Google submission forms below for requesting an exemption to conduct research and extension activities off campus from June 1 through August 15, 2020. One form is for county-based Extension agents and the other is for departmental faculty with research and/or Extension responsibilities.
You should submit a request for each project and location. Do not combine project requests by location. Do not submit multiple locations on a single request. Submissions must be received by 9:00 am on Monday, May 4, 2020 and notifications will be made by the close of business Monday, May 11, 2020.
We anticipate another round of exemption requests for activities starting August 15, 2020 and beyond, depending upon University, state and CDC guidelines. Exemption requests for on-campus research are under the control of the University’s Office of Research and Innovation.
Form for County-Based Extension Agents: https://forms.gle/HSu514Fvgk22ph7R6
Form for Departmental Faculty: https://forms.gle/nNVeDLHUUTT9MThS8