NC State University is launching a new electronic timekeeping and leave system, WolfTime, on July 1, 2017.
The Web-based system, which is similar to other UNC system schools, will be utilized by all SHRA and EHRA employees to manage their leave and by all non-exempt SHRA and non-exempt EHRA employees to record hours worked using a wall mounted time clock, computer, or a smartphone device. Each department will decide how an employee will enter time into the system. Time and leave approvals can also be approved online using WolfTime.
Transition Blackout Period
While we are transitioning from the old system to the new WolfTime system, there will be a blackout period between June 24 and July 10, 2017. All leave in the current WebLeave system must be submitted and approved by 5:00 p.m. on June 23. Any leave not approved prior to 5:00 p.m. on June 23 will not move to the new WolfTime system. During this blackout period, any leave between July 1 and July 10, 2017 cannot be submitted into the WolfTime leave system. Employees will not be able to submit leave electronically, and will need to notify their supervisor if planning to take leave during this timeframe. Supervisors/Leave Coordinators will need to ensure that any leave taken by their employees in their unit during the blackout period is entered into the new WolfTime system.
Information sessions and training on the new WolfTime timekeeping and leave system will be offered starting June 15. For more information about WolfTime as well as upcoming information sessions, available training, and online resources visit: go.ncsu.edu/wolftime. Please be sure to check the website often, as additional resources, including online training videos, will be added periodically.
For questions regarding WolfTime, please review our FAQs or contact the WolfTime team at wolftime-ncsu@ncsu.edu.
Thank you for your partnership in the implementation of this new system!