Mark Your Calendar for the 2024 CALS HOT Jobs Fair

Join us for the 2024 CALS HOT Jobs Fair on March 26!

The event will take place on March 26 in the Talley Student Union State Ballroom from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

CALS HOT Jobs Fair focuses on Hiring On Time. Employers seeking to hire for summer internships and full-time positions starting in May, June or July are encouraged to attend and meet students looking for opportunities. While employers without specific open positions are welcome to attend for networking purposes, this fair primarily targets employers with open positions.

We expect 400 associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral students from all areas of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences to attend, including plant sciences, animal sciences, biosciences and technology, and business and human services.

Faculty and staff can direct employers to register at

Encourage students you know to register for the event. They can check out employers attending the fair and plan their experience by downloading the Career Fair Plus app.

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