Walk [or Run] This Way Miles for Wellness – Fall 2019

We are looking for a few good CALS community members to join our team.

This FREE wellness event starts its registration on Monday, August 19. The program is only 8 weeks. It runs September 23 through November 17. Most of us use a Fit Bit, Garmin, Pedometer, phone, etc to keep track of our daily activities.  Everything you do adds up. As soon as your feet hit the ground each morning, everything you do counts. So if you like to run, walk, swim, cut grass, go shopping, play with the children-grandchildren, aerobic, bike, vacuum the house, walk the dog [or cat if you don’t have a dog and are brave], etc. this is for you. ESC – Every Step Counts. You will be amazed on how many ‘MILES’ you walk each week.

Come join the team by contacting Claudia Mello, cmello@ncsu.edu for the Waiver and to send back to her when registration opens on August 19. Then starting on September 23, you can walk your way through the fall and into the holidays by feeling better.

Let’s put CALS on the Map of Wellness [AGAIN] during this Fall Challenge #20.

This Miles for Wellness is a virtual, team-based walking initiative by and for the state employees of North Carolina. The purpose of Miles for Wellness is to encourage and support employees to increase their level of physical activity, with the goal of 10,000 steps, or the equivalent of 5 miles, achieved most days of the week. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health.

It can help:

Control your weight
Reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease
Reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome
Reduce your risk of some cancers
Strengthen your bones and muscles
Improve your mental health and mood
Improve your ability to do daily activities and prevent falls, if you’re an older adult
Increase your chances of living longer

If you’re not sure about becoming active or boosting your level of physical activity because you’re afraid of getting hurt, the good news is that moderate-intensity aerobic activity, like brisk walking, is generally safe for most people. If you have any questions or concerns, check with your doctor.

Hope to see you on my team starting September 23.

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