Hurricane Florence caused catastrophic flooding, damaging winds, and widespread power outages across the Carolinas. Many individuals in cities such as Fayetteville, Lumberton, and Swansboro have lost their homes, property, livestock, crops, and businesses.
Our 4-H friends across the country have a long history of helping during crisis times through gifts of supplies and money. North Carolina 4-H would like to ask that you help our fellow 4-H families in southeastern North Carolina by collecting the following supplies, which can be dropped off at the State 4-H Office, located at 520 Brickhaven Drive, Raleigh.
The first wave of collected supplies was delivered Monday, September 24. Supplies gathered at this time will be delivered at a later date, to be determined. Donors are encouraged to create kits based on the criteria below.
Clover Packets – Fill shoeboxes with educational supplies that kids and adults can use while they are living in temporary housing.
- Suggestions of things to include:
– 4-H curriculum, activity sheets to use for educational studies, coloring books, crayons, pens, paper
Essentials Kits – Use boxes, baskets, book bags, or plastic storage tubs (smaller ones) to pack essential items for individuals to use while they are displaced. Kits to be packed around the following themes:
- Non-Perishables – include diapers, formula, wipes, hand sanitizer, bottled water
- Hygiene items – soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, washcloths, laundry detergent
- Craft supplies
- Game supplies
- First Aid supplies
Written by Julie Hayworth-Perman