NC State Extension has just returned from a strong showing at the National Association of County Agricultural Agents’ 2018 Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference (AM/PIC).
Participating in leadership positions from NC State Extension this year were Lenny Rogers, National Treasurer, and several Southern Region Vice-Chairs: Tyrone Fisher, Public Relations and Ag Awareness; Stacey Jones, Sustainable Ag; Cyndi Lauderdale, Horticulture and Turfgrass; and Danny Lauderdale, Early Career Development. At least 10 first-time attendees from NC State Extension participated in this year’s event.
In the poster competition, Extension Education had a great showing with 6 of 6 entered posters being displayed at the national meeting. Applied Research had 6 of 7 entered posters displayed at the event with one poster named a regional finalist and one named a national winner.
Next year’s event is Sept. 8-12, 2019, in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Bryant Spivey will serve as state president for the new year.