Vasu Kuraparthy
Overall goal of our program is broadening the genetic base of crop plants through conservation, efficient utilization of biodiversity using genetic and genomic tools and understand the genetic basis of fundamental biological processes in plant biology that will lead to profitable and sustainable crop production. Primary focus of our research is on cotton genetics and breeding with the goal of developing germplasm, genetic stocks, mapping and genomic resources for enhancing the cotton productivity through improved genetics and breeding information and technologies.
Current research activities include:
- Breeding for improved crop yield and quality
- Breeding for disease and insect resistance
- Application of molecular markers in crop breeding
- Mutation breeding
- Breeding for hybrid vigor
- Gene mapping & cloning
- Utilization of exotic germplasm
- Molecular cytogenetics
- Polyploidy
- Better root length distribution in the deep soil profile enhances upland cotton performance , FIELD CROPS RESEARCH (2025)
- Physiological characterization of leaf-shape isolines of upland cotton , AGRONOMY JOURNAL (2024)
- Fine mapping and targeted genomic analyses of photoperiod-sensitive gene (GB_PPD1) in Pima cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.) , CROP SCIENCE (2024)
- Genome-wide association study of fiber quality traits in US upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) , THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS (2024)
- Phenotypic variability in the US upland cotton core set for root traits and water use efficiency at the late reproductive stage , CROP SCIENCE (2024)
- Development and validation of Kompetitive allele-specific PCR (KASP) markers for bacterial blight resistant locus BB-13 in Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) , CROP SCIENCE (2023)
- Genetic diversity and population structure analyses and genome-wide association studies of photoperiod sensitivity in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) , THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS (2023)
- Identification of quantitative trait loci for fiber quality, yield, and plant height traits in Upland cotton , CROP SCIENCE (2023)
- Identification and genomic characterization of major effect bacterial blight resistance locus (BB-13) in Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) , THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS (2022)
- Evaluation and genome-wide association study of resistance to bacterial blight race 18 in US Upland cotton germplasm , MOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS (2021)