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May 29, 2020

Here Come the Cicadas! At Least for Some of Us

Right now, in the northwest corner of North Carolina, a remarkable event is occurring – one that happens only every 17 years. It’s the emergence of Brood IX of the 17-year periodical cicadas, and it is a sight (with accompanying sounds) worth seeing. 

Sun sets on the Belltower under a crisp blue fall sky.

May 29, 2020

DEPP Congratulates Spring 2020 Graduates

The Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology would like to congratulate its Spring 2020 graduates:   PP-PHD Reny Mathew –  Lab Emily Meyers –  Lab   PP-MS Jean Beacorn Tsz… 

May 29, 2020

Big Data for Better Sweetpotatoes

An interdisciplinary team led by Cranos Williams is setting out on a three-year project to use artificial intelligence to make sweetpotatoes even more profitable. The team will image hundreds of thousands of sweetpotatoes to increase the percentage of sweetpotatoes grown that are USDA grade 1. 

NC State belltower at night

May 28, 2020

DEPP Announces Inaugural PhD and Postdoc Awards

This year, each awardee will receive up to $750 each towards expenses for travel to professional meetings or other eligible professional development expenses from the department. 

Cherry tomatoes

Apr 29, 2020

Plant Aid: A GRIP4PSI Big-Data Project to Detect Plant Diseases Faster

An interdisciplinary team led by professor Jean Ristaino will combine small sensors with big data for faster detection of the diseases plaguing tomato fields. From a hand-held plant disease ‘sniffer’ to a cloud-based database that can alert farmers about the cause of the stress and suggest possible mitigation strategies, the project aims to detect diseases early, improving yield. 

ENT-491/591/791-002 Flyer

Apr 29, 2020

ENT 491/591/791 – 002 – Open for Enrollment

Insects display a range of pathogenic and mutualistic interactions that are rarely encountered elsewhere in the natural world. 

Apr 23, 2020

Making At-Home Learning Fun For All

NC State’s Science House, a statewide STEM outreach program for K-12 students, has developed online learning resources for students who are staying home for school. 

Cross section of apple twig damaged by ambrosia beetles

Apr 16, 2020

Villani Lab’s Research on Rapid Apple Decline Highlighted in Science

Sara Villani was interviewed for an article in Science magazine about research on Rapid Apple Decline (RAD).  


Mar 19, 2020

Students Learn Plenty Despite Shortened Study Abroad Trip

Despite having their spring break study abroad program cut short due to the coronavirus pandemic, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences students and staff said it’s a learning experience they’ll never forget. 

Child with caterpillar on his nose.

Mar 13, 2020

Now What?

Without going far, kids can explore and learn from familiar environments. Liz Driscoll, an NC State Extension 4-H specialist, suggests five easy outdoor activities to try when your kids are feeling cooped up.