Virtual Events
![corn rows](
Christmas Trees
Farm Tours
Research Demonstrations
Cone Study by Jeff Owen, 9/24/2020
Chemical Terminal Control Study by Jeff Owen, 9/30/2020
Hemlock Scale Research by Dr. Robert Jetton and Manz Elongate, 9/22/2020
Long Term Scale Control Study by Dr. Jill Sidebottom, 9/23/2020
Elongate Hemlock Scale Pesticide Trial by Dr. Jill Sidebottom, 9/23/2020
Christmas Tree Portal Updates by Dr. Jill Sidebottom, 9/20/2020
General Field Management
- Using Corn To Your Advantage in Weed Control by Anthony Growe, 4/30/2021
- What Are The Optimal Conditions For Corn? by Mitch Williams, 4/7/2021
- How High Should My Corn Population Go? by Tim Hambrick, 3/22/2021
- Texas Panicum Management in Corn by Dr. Charlie Cahoon, 9/1/2020
- Effect of Seed Treatment and In-Furrow Insecticides On Brown Stink Bug in Corn by Dr. Dominic Reisig, 7/23/2020
- Fall Armyworm in Corn by Dr. Dominic Reisig, 7/23/2020
- Corn Growth with Starter Fertilizer by Dr. Ron Heiniger, 7/17/2020
- Assessing Freeze Damage in NC Grain Crops by (Dr. Ron Heiniger (Corn), Dr. Angela Post (Small Grains), Dr. Rachel Vann (Soybeans), 5/15/2020
CHROME Regional Ag Expo
- Corn Fertility: End of Season Conclusions by Dr. Ron Heiniger, 9/4/2020
- Corn Fertility Part 1 by Dr. Ron Heiniger, 6/26/2020
- Corn Fertility Part 2 by Dr. Ron Heiniger, 6/26/2020
Northwest Corn Research and Field Day
Impact of Long-Term Manure Application on Corn Nitrogen Needs
- August date tbd
- Tissue Testing by Tim Hambrick, Steph Kulesza, 7/7/2020
- Project introduction, Soil Samples and Side Dressing Nitrogen by Tim Hambrick, Steph Kulesza, 6/10/2020
Blackland Farm Managers Tour
Full Event
- Full Playlist (seamless play of all individual presentations) by NC State Research & Extension Faculty, 8/5/2020
Individual Presentations
- Introduction by Rod Gurganus, 8/5/2020
- Introduction and History of BFMA by Jeff Sparks, 8/5/2020
- Corn: Enhancing the Underground Community by Dr. Ron Heiniger, 8/5/2020
- Monitoring Soil Moisture Levels by Dr. Chad Poole, 8/5/2020
- Scouting Stink Bugs in Corn by Dr. Dominic Reisig, 8/5/2020
- Doveweed Management by Charlie Cahoon, 7/30/2020
Pasquotank County Extension Center
- Stink Bugs In Corn: Insecticide Selection & Coverage Factors To Consider by Al Wood, 7/7/2020
- Stink Bugs In Corn Scouting and Thresholds by Al Wood, 6/30/2020
- Stink Bugs In Corn by Al Wood, 6/22/2020
- Stink Bugs Why The Concern and Getting to Know Them by Al Wood, 6/4/2020
2020 Statewide Cotton Defoliation Meeting
- Considerations for Cotton Defoliation by Drs. Guy Collins and Keith Edmisten, 9/16/2020
CHROME Regional Ag Expo Virtual
- Cotton Replant Decisions Part 1 by Dr. Guy Collins, 7/20/2020
- Cotton Replant Decisions Part 2 by Dr. Guy Collins, 7/20/2020
- Thrips Control in Cotton by Dr. Dominic Reisig, 7/8/2020
Blackland Farm Managers Tour
- Doveweed Management by Dr. Charlie Cahoon, 7/30/2020
Virtual Field Day
- Cover Crops for Cotton Weed Management by Dr. Charlie Cahoon & Camp Hand,
- Cotton Nematode Management by Dr. Lindsey Thiessen, 8/27/2020
- Midseason Cotton Insect Scouting by Dr. Dominic Reisig, 8/31/2020
- Cotton Nematode Management by Dr. Lindsey Thiessen, 8/27/2020
- Cover Crops for Cotton Weed Management by Dr. Charlie Cahoon, 8/26/2020
- Cool Germ Cotton by Dr. Keith Edmisten, 7/31/2020
- Cotton Injury from POST Herbicide Tank Mixes by Dr. Charlie Cahoon, 8/12/2020
- Integration of New HPPD-Tolerant Cotton and Mixing POST Herbicides and Orthene by Josh Joyner, 7/30/2020
- Replant Cotton Tolerance to Warrant and Cotton Response to Multiple Exposures of 2,4-D by Andrew Blythe, 7/30/2020
- NC On-Farm Cotton Variety Evaluation Program by Dr. Guy Collins and Dr. Keith Edmisten, 7/21/2020
- NC On-Farm Cotton Variety Evaluation Program Updated Supplement Handout by Drs. Guy Collins and Keith Edmisten, 9/1/2020
Fruit & Vegetables
- Virtual Field Day: Production, Research & Breeding by NC State Extension Team, 5/12/2020
- Virtual Field Day Welcome by Jeff Chandler, 8/6/2020
- Tomato Variety Replicated Trials for 2020 (Part 1) by Dr. Dilip Panthee, 8/6/2020
- Tomato Variety Replicated Trials for 2020 (Part 2) by Dr. Dilip Panthee, 8/6/2020
- Breeding Resistance to Bacterial Spot & Bacterial Speck in Tomatoes by Dr. Dilip Panthee, 8/6/2020
- Tomato Bacterial Spot Resistance Field Research Plots for 2020 by Dr. Dilip Panthee, 8/6/2020
- Tomato Bacterial Speck Resistance Field Research Plots for 2020 by Dr. Dilip Panthee, 8/6/2020
- Tomato Disease Management by Inga Meadows, 8/6/2020
- Tomato Breeding Field Research Plots for 2020 by Dr. Reza Shekasteband, 8/6/2020
- Insect Pest Management in Tomatoes by Dr. Jim Walgenbach, 8/6/2020
- NCSU Produce Safety Program by Elena Rogers and Dr. Lynette Johnston, 8/13/2020
- Recommendations for minimizing the spread of COVID-19 on Produce Farms (English) by Elena Rogers and Dr. Lynette Johnston, 8/13/2020
- Recommendations for minimizing the spread of COVID-19 on Produce Farms (Spanish) by Elena Rogers and Dr. Lynette Johnston, 8/13/2020
- NC Produce Safety Program by Sara Cope, 7/21/2020
Sweet Potatoes
- Check back soon!
Grain Peas
General Management
Introduction to Growing Grain Peas in North Carolina by Dr. Rachel Vann and Adrian Locklear, 9/14/2020
Agronomics of Growing Grain Peas in North Carolina by Dr. Rachel Vann and Adrian Locklear, 9/14/2020
Grain Pea Webinar by Dr. Rachel Vann, 9/18/2020
Annual Field Day
Full Event Playlist by NC State Extension, 9/9/2020
Individual Videos
Welcome to the Hemp Virtual Field Day 2020 by Dr. David Suchoff, 9/9/2020
NC State Extension Welcome by Dr. Rich Bonano, 9/9/2020
Research Station Introduction by Phillip Winslow, 9/9/2020
Floral Hemp Transplant Date by Density Study by Dr. David Suchoff, 9/9/2020
Floral Hemp Harvest Date Trials by Dr. David Suchoff, 9/9/2020
Floral Hemp Cultivar Trials by Dr. David Suchoff, 9/9/2020
Western North Carolina Floral Hemp Variety/Strain Evaluations by Margaret Bloomquist, 9/9/2020
Floral Hemp Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizer Rates by Maggie Short, 9/9/2020
Floral Hemp Foliar Nutrient Analysis by Dr. Michelle McGinnis, 9/9/2020
North Carolina Industrial Hemp Update 2020 by Paul Adams, 9/9/2020
2020 Certification Status of Hemp Seed and Clones by NC State Extension, 9/9/2020
2020 Hemp Law Update by Dr. Marne Coit, 9/9/2020
Field Management of Floral Hemp in Western North Carolina by Margaret Bloomquist, 9/9/2020
Industrial Hemp Foliar Disease Management by Dr. Lindsey Thiessen, 9/9/2020
On-Farm Hemp Drying Observations and Preliminary Drying Studies Results by Grant Ellington and Kyle Bostian, 9/9/2020
![harvest peanut plants in a bundle](
CHROME Virtual AG Expo
- Peanut Weed Control Part 1 by Dr. David Jordan, 7/24/2020
- Peanut Weed Control Part 2 by Dr. David Jordan, 7/24/2020
- Thrips Control in Peanuts by Brian Royals, 6/23/2020
Small Grains
Wheat Production Series
- Checking Wheat For Cold Damage by Jenny Carleo, 4/30/2021
- Optimal Wheat Seeding Rates by Dr. Angela Post, 10/2/2020
- Pre-Plant Strategies for Wheat (Zoom recording) by Drs. Wes Everman and Angela Post, Jenny Carleo, and Jason Weathington, 10/2/2020
Nine-County Whistlestop Tours
- Full Playlist of all nine county stops by NC State Extension, April/May 2020
- Caldwell County
- Duplin/Onslow Counties
- Henderson County
- Lenoir County
- Orange County
- Pender County
- Stanly County
- Surry County
- Union County
Spring Field Day 3/26/2020
- Welcome & Official Variety Testing by Dr. Angela Post
- Weed Control by Dr. Angela Post
- Final Topdressing by Dr. Angela Post
- To Tank Mix Insecticides or Not? by Dr. Dominic Reisig
- Fungicides & Harvest by Dr. Angela Post
- Canola as an Alternative Winter Crop by Dr. Angela Post
- Brassica Carinata by Dr. Carl Crozier
- Malting Barley by Dr. Angela Post
- Small Grain Silage Mixture & Bloopers by Dr. Angela Post
General Field Management
- Optimal Wheat Seeding Rates by Dr. Angela Post, 10/2/2020
- Zinc and Copper Levels in Poultry Litter by Dr. Steph Kulesza, 9/9/2020
- Calibrating a Grain Drill by Tim Hambrick, 9/7/2020
- Small Grain Variety Selection by Tim Hambrick, 8/7/2020
- Sugarcane Aphid Control in Sorghum by Jenny Carleo, 7/30/2020
- How to Time Wheat Harvest for Top Quality by Dr. Angela Post, 5/21/2020
- Assessing Freeze Damage in NC Grain Crops by [Dr. Ron Heiniger (Corn), Dr. Angela Post (Small Grains), Dr. Rachel Vann (Soybeans)], 5/15/2020
- Cereal Leaf Beetle in Wheat by Jenny Carleo, 4/16/2020
- Identifying Hessian Fly in Wheat by Dr. Dominic Reisig, 3/3/2020
- Adding Sulfur at Top-Dressing by George Place, 2/17, 2020
- Tissue Testing for Optimal Nitrogen Management in Wheat by George Place, 2/4/2020
- Post-Emergence Control Strategies for Italian Ryegrass by Dr. Wes Everman, 1/6/2020
- Current Wheat Fertility Recommendations by Dr. Angela Post, Dec 2019
- Italian Ryegrass Control Techniques by Dr. Wes Everman & Jenny Carleo, Oct 2019
Pasquotank County Extension Center
- Utilizing the Penn State Wheat Scab Risk Assessment Tool by Al Wood, 4/22/2020
- Wheat From Flag Leaf to Heading & Management by Al Wood, 4/13/2020
Official Variety Tests
- Soybean Variety Selection by Dr. Ryan Heiniger, 10/23/2020
Late Season Management
- Seed Quality Concerns in Soybean by Dr. Rachel Vann, 9/24/2020
- Late Season Soybean Management Webinar by Dr. Rachel Vann, Dr. Dominic Reisig, Dr. Lindsey Thiessen, Adrienne Gonry, Dr. Wes Everman, Dr. Luke Gatiboni and Nick Piggott, 9/14/2020
Mid-Season Management
- What Stage Are My Soybeans in? R4 to R6 by Jenny Carleo, 9/21/2020
- Scouting Mid-Season Insects In Soybeans by Dr. Dominic Reisig, 8/24/2020
- Stinkbug Management in Soybeans by Dr. Dominic Reisig, 8/19/2020
- Corn Earworm in Soybeans by Dr. Dominic Reisig, 8/4/2020
- What Stage Are My Soybeans In, R1-R3? by Dr. Rachel Vann, 6/26/2020
- Mid-Season Soybean Management Webinar by Dr. Dominic Reisig, Dr. Wes Everman, Dr. Lindsey Thiessen, Dr. Luke Gatiboni, Dr. Rachel Vann, 6/24/2020
- Soybean Yield Impact from Foliar Feeding by Dr. Rachel Vann, 3/26/2020
Early Season Management
- Sulfur Fertility And Planting Equipment Considerations For Soybeans by Dr. Rachel Vann, 8/24/2020
- Assessing Freeze Damage in NC Grain Crops by (Dr. Ron Heiniger (Corn), Dr. Angela Post (Small Grains), Dr. Rachel Vann (Soybeans), 5/15/2020
- Making Smart Soybean Replanting Decisions by Dr. Rachel Vann, 5/1/2020
- Preventing Seedling Disease by Dr. Lindsey Thiessen, 4/24/2020
- Early Planted Soybeans by Dr. Rachel Vann, 4/24/2020
- Planting Soybeans Into A Cereal Rye Cover Crop by Dr. Rachel Vann, 4/14/2020
- Soybean Preplant Fertility Tips by Dr. Luke Gatiboni, 4/3/2020
- Optimizing Soybean Planting Date and Maturity Group by Dr. Rachel Vann 4/3/2020
- Fungicidal Seed Treatments by Dr. Rachel Vann, 3/26/2020
Blackland Farm Managers Tour
Full Event
- Full Playlist (seamless play of all individual presentations) by NC State Research & Extension Faculty, 8/5/2020
Individual Presentations
- Introduction by Rod Gurganus, 8/5/2020
- Introduction and History of BFMA by Jeff Sparks, 8/5/2020
- Monitoring Soil Moisture Levels by Dr. Chad Poole, 8/5/2020
- Soybean Fertilizer Recommendations by Dr. Luke Gatiboni, 8/5/2020
- Soybean Fungicidal Seed Treatments by Dr. Rachel Vann, 8/5/2020
- Measuring Impacts of Maturity Group, Planting Date, and Seeding Rate by Dr. Rachel Vann, 8/5/2020
Graduate Student Projects
- Poultry Litter and Soybean Production by Joe Burns, 11/12/2020
- Graduate Student Highlight by Hayden Schug, 10/16/2020
- Graduate Student Project Highlight by Danielle Cooney, 10/2/2020
- Effects of Winter Crops on Soybeans by Makayla Gross, 7/16/2020
- Soybean Maturity Group & Planting Date Graduate Project by Tristan Morris, 2/19/2020
Pasquotank County Extension Center
- Early Planted Early Maturing Soybean Production System by Al Wood, 4/30/2020
2020 Annual Field Day
Live Webinar
- State of the Industry and Q&A session by NC State Extension Team, 7/16/2020
Tobacco Field Day
- Full Playlist (seamless play of all individual presentations) by NC State Research & Extension Faculty, 7/13/2020
Individual Presentations
- Introduction by Dr. Matthew Vann, 7/13/2020
- Turning Vane Assessment to Improve the Air Handling Efficiency of Bulk Curing Barns by Dr. Grant Ellington, 7/13/2020
- Use of Resistance and Fungicide Programs for Black Shank Management in North Carolina by Yara Rosado Rivera and Dr. Lindsey Thiessen, 7/13/2020
- Biological Controls and Host Resistance to Manage Granville Wilt by Raymond Garcia Rodriguez and Dr. Lindsey Thiessen, 7/13/2020
- Managing Meloidogyne enterolobii in Flue-Cured Tobacco Using Commercially Available Nematicides by Dr. Lindsey Thiessen and Yara Rosado Rivera, 7/13/2020
- Evaluating Conservation Tillage and Cover Crop Mulch for Organic Tobacco by Cordelia Machanoff and Dr. David Suchoff, 7/13/2020
- Adapting Plasticulture Systems for Organic Tobacco by Cordelia Machanoff and Dr. David Suchoff, 7/13/2020
- Winter Cover Crop Management in Organic Tobacco Systems by Dr. Alex Woodley, 7/13/2020
- Current Status of the Pesticide Residue Testing Program in North Carolina by Dr. Matthew Vann, 7/13/2020
- Recent Evaluations of New Herbicides for Tobacco Production by Dr. Matthew Vann, 7/13/2020
- Comparison of Nitrogen Based Fertilizer Programs in Tobacco by Maggie Short, 7/13/2020
- Flue-Cured Tobacco Recorded Variety Trials by Dr. Bill Foote, 7/13/2020
- Insect Management Update by Dr. Hannah Burrack, 7/13/2020
- Lower Leaf Removal Budgets by Colin Blalock and Dr. Matthew Vann, 7/13/2020
Field Days
- Virtual Field Day Series (all 3 dates) by NC State Department of Crop & Soil Sciences and NC State Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology