Terrence Gardner
Assistant Professor
Soil & Environmental Microbial Ecology
Williams Hall 3411C
Current research focuses on improving our understanding of the linkages between microbial community and diversity, and microbially mediated processes providing ecosystem services related to metabolic functioning, in agronomic and environmental systems. In our research, we integrate multiple technologies to discern any connections among diverse microbial communities, their metabolic functions and the land systems they reside. The technologies include but are not limited to, Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD), molecular biology, Metagenomic, and bioinformatics tools. These tools provide the ability to elucidate microbial patterns of community structure and distribution involving their contributions to nutrient cycling and the transformations of pollutants in soils, sediments and water.
- Effects of tree species identity on soil microbial communities in Juglans nigra and Quercus rubra plantations , FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY (2024)
- Changes in chemical and structural composition of sugarcane bagasse caused by alkaline pretreatments [Ca(OH)(2) and NaOH] modify the amount of endoglucanase and beta-glucosidase produced by Aspergillus niger in solid-state fermentation , CHEMICAL ENGINEERING COMMUNICATIONS (2021)
- Forest floor manipulation effects on the relationship between aggregate stability and ectomycorrhizal fungi , FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT (2021)
- Early Effect of Pine Biochar on Peach-Tree Planting on Microbial Community Composition and Enzymatic Activity , APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL (2021)
- Estimation of Saprolite Thickness Needed to Remove E. coli from Wastewater , APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL (2021)
- Soil bioindicators associated to different management regimes of Cedrela odorata plantations , MADERA Y BOSQUES (2021)
- Biohybrid nanofibers containing manganese oxide-forming fungi for heavy metal removal from water , JOURNAL OF ENGINEERED FIBERS AND FABRICS (2020)
- Early response of organic matter dynamics to pine‐biochar in sandy soil under peach trees , Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment (2020)
- Efficiency of saprolite for removing E. coli from simulated wastewater , Water Science and Technology (2020)
- Enzymatic Hydrolysis of an Organic Sulfur Compound , (2019)