Aziz Amoozegar
Research interests are (i) movement of water and pollutants from municipal and agricultural wastes through soils and their underlying strata, (ii) fate and transport of phosphorus in soil, and (iii) characterization of soil materials for agricultural, environmental, and engineering purposes. Research programs include evaluation of soil water and pollutant movement through soil and saprolite, assessment of the fate and transport of phosphorus from fertilizers with and without fertilizer enhancers, and development of techniques for determination of soil physical properties as related to waste management, engineering, and agricultural practices.
- Microscale imaging of phosphate mobility under unsaturated flow as affected by a fertilizer enhancing polymer , SOIL SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA JOURNAL (2025)
- Analysis of Water Volume Required to Reach Steady Flow in the Constant Head Well Permeameter Method , HYDROLOGY (2023)
- How Does the Use of Biochar, Phosphate, Calcite, and Biosolids Affect the Kinetics of Cadmium Release in Contaminated Soil? , WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION (2023)
- Influence of compost amendment rate and level of compaction on the hydraulic functioning of soils , JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION (2023)
- Subsurface Lateral Solute Transport in Turfgrass , AGRONOMY-BASEL (2023)
- Water vapor transport through bioenergy grass residues and its effects on soil water evaporation , VADOSE ZONE JOURNAL (2023)
- Comparison of infiltration test methods for soil health assessment , JOURNAL OF SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION (2022)
- Comparison of soil particle density determined by a gas pycnometer using helium, nitrogen, and air , SOIL SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA JOURNAL (2022)
- Evaluation of imazapic and flumioxazin carryover risk for Carinata (Brassica carinata) establishment , WEED SCIENCE (2022)
- Immobilization of lead by amendments in a mine-waste impacted soil: Assessing Pb retention with desorption kinetic, sequential extraction and XANES spectroscopy , SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT (2021)