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Rich McLaughlin


Urban Soil & Water Management

Williams Hall 3407C


Protection of our surface and ground water resources from nonpoint-source pollution is a major emphasis in the Department. The most widespread pollutant is sediment, which can originate from farms, construction sites, and streambank erosion. My program is focused on reducing the movement of sediment from developed and developing areas. Projects include testing the existing practices, such as sediment traps and inlet protection, to determine how efficient they are in removing sediment. We are also testing new systems and devising alternatives to the current practices. Examples are the use of skimmer outlets for basins, level spreaders to dissipate flow, and various uses of polyacrylamide flocculants to reduce erosion and turbidity. In addition, we are investigating methods for improving vegetation establishment and soil properties in lawns, buffers, and landscaped areas in order to reduce runoff volume and improve water quality. We have established the Sediment and Erosion Control Research and Education Facility (SECREF) at the Lake Wheeler Road Field Laboratory for conducting much of our testing. SECREF is part of the Soil and Water Environmental Technology Center at North Carolina State University. I continue to support issues regarding pesticide use and ground water protection.


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