Lori Unruh Snyder
- Assessing weediness potential of Brassica carinata (A.) Braun in the southeastern United States , INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS (2022)
- Bioeconomic Assessment of an Alley Cropping Field Trial in North Carolina, U.S.: Tree Density, Timber Production, and Forage Relationships , Sustainability (2021)
- Program Chair Poster Pick: Late-Breaking Abstract: A Rapid Consumer Survey Capturing the Perceptions of Beef Marketing Before and During COVID-19 , JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE (2020)
- Expected value of crossbred dairy cattle artificial insemination breeding strategies in virgin heifers and lactating cows , LIVESTOCK SCIENCE (2018)
- Effects of Drought on Nutritive Value of Kudzu , Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis (2013)
- Effects of feeding corn modified wet distillers grain plus solubles co-ensiled with chopped whole plant corn on heifer growth performance and diet digestibility in beef cattle , JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE (2013)
- Growth characteristics and allometry of Robinia pseudoacacia as a silvopastoral system component , Agroforestry Systems (2007)
- Intake, digestibility and nitrogen utilization of Robinia pseudoacacia foliage fed to growing goat wethers , Small Ruminant Research (2006)
- Correcting measurements of pasture forage mass by vacuuming the stubble , Agronomy Journal (2002)