Grady Miller
ENVU Distinguished Professor of Sustainability & Extension Specialist
Turfgrass Management
Williams Hall 4123A
Dr. Miller’s training was at Louisiana Tech University (B.S.), Louisiana State University (M.S.) and Auburn University (Ph.D.). Prior to coming to NCSU, he was a Professor at the University of Florida. In 2006 he was appointed Professor of Turfgrass Science at North Carolina State University with extension, research, and teaching appointments.
Dr. Miller directs his extension efforts toward general turfgrass management. The focus of his research program is to improve sports field, golf course, urban turfgrass, and utility turfgrass quality through evaluation of turfgrass management practices and procedures. His research activities are centered on cultivar evaluation, irrigation practices, turfgrass nutrition, and athletic field maintenance practices. He currently teaches two University courses annually, the graduate class Applied Research Methods and Analysis for Plant Sciences (CS 755) and Turfgrass Cultural Systems (CS 400) .
He is the co-author of four books and has published over 750 articles dealing with all phases of turfgrass management. He is a frequent contributor to He has been installed in the Academy of Outstanding Faculty Engaged in Extension Outreach at NC State University and Fellow in the Agronomy Society of America.
Extension Publications
- Fraise mowing and hollow-tine aerification impact bermudagrass surfaces , CROP FORAGE & TURFGRASS MANAGEMENT (2025)
- Fraise mowing impacts soil physical properties of bermudagrass surfaces , AGRONOMY JOURNAL (2025)
- Enhancing drought resistance in warm-season turfgrasses: Fourteen years of progress through a multistate collaborative project across the southern United States , CROP SCIENCE (2024)
- Management strategies for preventing and recovering from bermudagrass winterkill , Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management (2024)
- Maximizing genetic gains across agronomic and consumer preference traits in St. Augustinegrass breeding , CROP SCIENCE (2024)
- Abundance, diversity, and composition of root-associated microbial communities varied with tall fescue cultivars under water deficit , FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY (2023)
- Stress coefficients for hybrid bermudagrass in the transition zone , CROP FORAGE & TURFGRASS MANAGEMENT (2023)
- Water deficits shape the microbiome of Bermudagrass roots to be Actinobacteria rich , FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY (2023)
- Evaluation of South African common bermudagrass germplasm for shade tolerance , International Turfgrass Society Research Journal (2022)
- Fall establishment of zoysiagrass on roadsides in the U.S. transition zone , International Turfgrass Society Research Journal (2022)