Daniel Bowman
Dr. Dan Bowman, Professor of Crop Science, is a plant physiologist interested in the impact of turfgrass culture on environmental quality. Current research is designed to characterize aspects of the nitrogen cycle in turfgrass soils, reduce soil-based stresses such as aluminum toxicity and hypoxia,and to evaluate new and emerging technologies in turfgrass management. He teaches CS 200 — Introduction to Turfgrass Management.
- The soil microbial community of turf: linear and nonlinear changes of taxa and N-cycling gene abundances over a century-long turf development , FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY (2018)
- Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment and Reactive Nitrogen Inputs Interactively Stimulate Soil Cation Losses and Acidification , ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (2018)
- Color, Transfer, and Application Parameters of Turfgrass Colorants , AGRONOMY JOURNAL (2017)
- The extent and pathways of nitrogen loss in turfgrass systems: Age impacts , SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT (2018)
- The role of internal and external nitrogen pools in bermudagrass growth during spring emergence from dormancy , JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION (2017)
- Reactive Nitrogen in Turfgrass Systems: Relations to Soil Physical, Chemical, and Biological Properties , JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (2015)
- Residential Irrigation Water Use in the Central Piedmont of North Carolina. I: Measured Use and Water Requirements , JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING (2014)
- Residential Irrigation Water Use in the Central Piedmont of North Carolina. II: Evaluation of Smart Irrigation Technologies , JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING (2014)
- Nitrate Leaching from Two Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivars as Affected by Nitrate Uptake Capacity and Subsurface Soil Compaction , CROP SCIENCE (2013)
- Nitrate Uptake Rates of Kentucky Bluegrass Genotypes and Their Effect on Nitrate Absorption under Competitive Conditions , CROP SCIENCE (2013)