Alex Woodley
Associate Professor
4128 Plant Sciences Building
Alex Woodley’s research program is focused on soil productivity and profitability in sustainable and organic cropping systems. Research initiatives include linking soil health indicators to productive agroecosystems, mitigation of soil greenhouse gas emissions, soil carbon sequestration and nutrient management of fertilizers, organic amendments and cover crops.
- Pinus taeda carryover phosphorus availability on the lower Atlantic Coastal Plain , FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT (2024)
- Evaluating Chinese fiber hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) varieties and planting dates in North Carolina , AGROSYSTEMS GEOSCIENCES & ENVIRONMENT (2024)
- Evaluating biomass sustainability: Why below-ground carbon sequestration matters , JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION (2024)
- Fungal biomass and ectomycorrhizal community assessment of phosphorus responsive Pinus taeda plantations , FRONTIERS IN FUNGAL BIOLOGY (2024)
- Horizontal Planting Orientation Can Improve Yield in Organically Grown Sweetpotato , HORTSCIENCE (2023)
- Impact of Pre-Plant Fertilizer Rates in Combination with Polysulphate® on Soil Nitrogen Distribution and Yield of Short-Day Strawberries (Fragaria x ananassa cv. Camarosa) , AGRONOMY-BASEL (2024)
- Intermediate soil acidification induces highest nitrous oxide emissions , NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (2024)
- Multi-amplicon nitrogen cycling gene standard: An innovative approach for quantifying N-transforming soil microbes in terrestrial ecosystems , SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY (2024)
- US cereal rye winter cover crop growth database , SCIENTIFIC DATA (2024)
- Using microdialysis to assess soil diffusive P and translocated sap flow P concentrations in Southern Pinus taeda plantations , PLANT AND SOIL (2024)