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Wastewater Management

Training and Workshops

The Wastewater Management Program consists of certification schools for wastewater operators, certification for septic system installers and time-of-sale inspectors, and a variety of continuing education workshops suitable for operators, installers, inspectors, environmental health specialists, soil scientists, and professional engineers.  Training events take place in several locations across North Carolina with the most extensive hands-on demonstrations available at the Booth Field Learning Lab on the university’s Lake Wheeler Road Field Lab.

Wastewater Operator Certification Schools

The wastewater operator certification program is governed by the Water Pollution Control System Operator Certification Commission (WPCSOCC), which is part of the Division of Water Resources of the NC Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ).

NC State University offers these schools as a training provider in support of and in cooperation with the WPCSOCC.

Individuals must meet additional application requirements and pass an exam offered by the WPCSOCC to complete the certification process.

Surface Irrigation System Operator Training School
4-day certification school offered once per year in Raleigh in spring.

Land Application of Residuals Operator Training School
3-day certification school offered once per year in Raleigh in spring.

Subsurface Wastewater System Operator Training School
3-day certification school offered once per year in Raleigh in spring.

Septic System Installer and Time-of-Sale Inspector Schools

The septic system installer and time-of-sale inspector certification program is governed by the NC Onsite Water Contractor/Inspector Certification Board (NCOWCICB).

NC State University offers these schools as a training provider in support of and in cooperation with the NCOWCICB.

Individuals must meet additional application requirements and may need to take additional continuing education workshops and/or pass an exam offered by the NCOWCICB to complete the certification process.

18-Hour Introductory Installer Training
3-day certification school offered four times per year, usually May and November in Raleigh & February and August in Mills River. All new applicants for Installer Grades I-IV must begin with the 18-hour Intro Training.

Time-of-Sale Inspector School
3-day certification school offered twice a year in Raleigh, normally May and either November or December.


Continuing Education: Workshops and Annual Conference

Continuing education (CE) workshops are offered as 3-hour and 6-hour training events in several locations across North Carolina and as live webinars. These workshops are excellent options for those who need CE hours either to complete an initial septic installer certification or to renew a current certification, such as for wastewater operators, installers and inspectors, environmental health specialists, soil scientists, and professional engineers.

Soils & Subsurface CE:

Surface Irrig & Land App CE:

Annual Conference
The annual NC Onsite Water Protection Conference is another excellent source of CE and offers up to 15 hours (2.5 days) in mid-October in Raleigh.
