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JunJie Wu

Department Head and Professor

Nelson Hall 3350

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JunJie Wu joined the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics in September 2021 as a Professor and Department Head. Prior to this appointment, he was on faculty at Oregon State University as the Emery N. Castle Endowed Chair in Resource and Rural Economics and Director of the Center for Agricultural and Environmental Policy. Dr. Wu is also a University Fellow at Resources for the Future, a Washington DC based nonprofit research institution focusing on environmental, energy and natural resource policy.

Dr. Wu’s research extends to several fields in economics, including agricultural economics, resource and environmental economics and regional economics. A central theme of his research focuses on the integration of the theory and methods of these disparate fields along with bio-physical modeling for better understanding the economic drivers of land use change and its environmental consequences. In doing so he has made contributions to the design and evaluation of agro-environmental policy; spatial modeling of land use change and ecosystem services, rural-urban interdependencies and causes and evolution of spatial disparities in economic development.

He has received several awards for his work including the Quality of Research Discovery Award from the American Agricultural Economics Association. He has served as an Editor of American Journal of Agricultural Economics and an Associate Editor of Journal of Regional Science. He was elected a Fellow of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association in 2016.


Selected Recent Publications

Is Environmental Regulation the Answer to Pollution Problems in Urbanizing Economies? Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (forthcoming).

Open Space in U.S. Urban Areas: Where Might There Be Too Much or Too Little of a Good Thing? Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (forthcoming).

Impacts of Climate and Weather on Irrigation Technology Adoption and Agricultural Water Use in the US Pacific Northwest. Agricultural Economics 53(2022): 387-406.

Preemptive Incentives and Liability Rules for Wildfire Risk Management. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 103(2021):1783-1801.

Energy Price Shocks, Household Location Patterns, and Housing Crises: Theory and Implications. Energy Economics 80(2019): 691-706.