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student picking tomatoes

Jul 13, 2020

The State of North Carolina Agriculture

North Carolina’s agriculture and agribusiness industry remains a powerhouse, generating about one-sixth of the state’s income and jobs. In the latest episode of Farms, Food and You, hear more about a recently released industry snapshot and hear what farmers and others have to say about the state of the industry today. 

Jul 8, 2020

Ag, Agribusiness Generate a Sixth of N.C. Income, Jobs

The latest figures from NC State University economist Mike Walden show the industry generates $92.7 billion in annual income to the state. However, the number for 2020 will likely fall due to COVID-19. 

Jul 23, 2018

ARE Road Trip Down East

ARE students, faculty, staff and other ag-vocates boarded a bus bright and early on Tuesday, June 26th to visit three farming operations in Columbia, NC, located in Tyrrell County in the Northeastern area of the state. 

May 23, 2018

Agribusiness in Italy Students Begin their Study Abroad

The course, led by ARE's Dr. Melissa Hendrickson, exposes students to international agribusiness, agrimarketing, agricultural education, and agricultural research. 

Apr 24, 2018

Working on the Perfect Pitch

Agribusiness Entrepreneurship students practiced pitching their business ideas in front of their peers as well as members of the ag. community on April 23rd, 2018. 

Apr 9, 2018

NC Ag Comes Together for New Venture

Biotech CEOs, agribusiness leaders, lenders, and entrepreneurs attended the events to learn more about the current successes of the program and its vision for the future.