Plant and Microbial Biology Departmental Student Awards

The Department of Plant and Microbial Biology recognized Undergraduate and Graduate students at the 20th Annual PMB Ice Cream Social on Thursday May 2nd, 2019.
Plant Biology Undergraduate Student Awards and Recognition
Each year the Undergraduate Program Committee has two categories, awards for graduating seniors and awards for continuing students, which are given annually.
Awards for Graduating Seniors
- Outstanding Senior Award for Scholarship: Emma Vtipil
- Outstanding Senior Award for Research: Laura Williams
- Outstanding Plant Biology Major: Christine Miller
Awards for Continuing Students
- Larry A. Whitford Award: Logan Kallam and Anne Pajerski
- W. Scott and Mary Dell Chilton Undergraduate Research Award: Aniko Verbrugge
- Brooke Caldwell was awarded a research award from the NC State Office of Undergraduate Research for her work with Dr. Alexander Krings.
- Anne Pajerski was recognized for an Outstanding Poster Presentation at the 28th Annual Spring Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium and was invited to join Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society.
Plant Biology Graduate Student Awards and Recognition
- Martha Sue Sebastian Award: Katherine Culatta
- Susan R. Vitello Award: Nathan Wilson
- Kenneth R. Keller Award for Excellence in Doctoral Dissertation Research: Dr. DurreShahwar Muhammad
- Eric Land received 1st place in the Life Sciences category at the 14th Annual NC State Graduate Student Research Symposium.
- Greg Wilson was awarded the Shinn Grant from the NC Native Plant Society for his work on pollination ecology.
Microbiology Graduate Student Recognition
- Nicholas Faulkner was awarded the Excellence in Laboratory Teaching by the NC State Graduate Student Association.
- Kyle Griewisch was awarded the Associate Member Travel Grant from the Comparative Medicine Institute at NC State University.
- Stephanie Johnstone was awarded the Excellence in Laboratory Teaching by the NC State Graduate Student Association.
- Categories: