Student Awards at Crop Science Society Annual Meeting

Many in turfgrass science attend the Tri-Societies meetings which comprise the Agronomy, Crop Science and Soil Science Societies. Within Crop Science, Turfgrass Science has its own division and program. The division has ~650 members and this year’s meeting had 145 poster presentations and over 70 oral presentations. This division holds competitions for students in various categories such as pest management, turfgrass management and breeding.

Cameron Stephens was selected as the best oral presentation – “Where Does Your Fungicide Go? Fungicide Fate Following Various Mowing and Irrigation Treatments” – out of 26 presentations in Golf Turf Management.

Daniel Freund, who is a dual major in Crop Science and Plant Pathology, placed third in the poster presentation competition for his work: “Influence of Mowing Timing on Azoxystrobin Fate and Implications for Brown Patch Management.”
Congratulations to Cam and Daniel for their excellent work!
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