Ashton Merck Wins SPS Poster Award

Congratulations to Applied Ecology postdoctoral researcher, Ashton Merck, for her latest award received at the Sustainable Phosphorus Summit! The posters were judged by a panel of STEPS Center faculty and included a pre-conference review of digital posters as well as a review of posters during the session.
Merck’s poster detailed preliminary findings from an extensive stakeholder survey effort to better understand their perceptions and concerns about phosphorous sustainability. Merck also presented these findings during a stakeholder forum earlier in the week.
“The findings from this survey will serve not only as an important baseline for future phosphorous stakeholder research, but it is a valuable contribution to the literature on its own,” says Merck. “We hope to use these results to help inform future research priorities at the STEPS Center, as well as conduct additional inquiries into stakeholder perceptions and needs with regard to STEPS technologies in the coming years.”
Congratulations, Ashton!
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