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Honors and Awards

Daniel Tregeagle Receives Outstanding Published Paper Award

honey bee

ARE is excited to announce that Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist Daniel Tregeagle has received a 2022 AAEA Specialty Crops Economics Section Outstanding Published Paper Award. 

Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist Daniel Tregeagle
Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist Daniel Tregeagle

Tregeagle was honored along with his coauthors Kevi Mace, Jessica Rudder, Rachael Goodhue, Tor Tolhurst, Hanlin Wei, Beth Grafton-Cardwell, Ian Grettenberger, Houston Wilson, Robert van Steenwyk, Frank Zalom and John Steggall for their work on “Balancing Bees and Pest Management: Projected Costs of Proposed Bee-protective Neonicotinoid Regulation in California.”

Published in the Journal of Economic Entomology in February 2022, the paper provides insight into predicted pest management costs if California’s draft regulation on Neonicotinoids had been in effect in previous years. 

According to Tregeagle and his coauthors, “pest management costs for these crops would have increased an estimated $13.6 million in 2015, $12.8 million in 2016 and $11.1 million in 2017 if the 2020 draft proposed regulation had been in effect, representing a 61% to 72% increase in the cost of managing the target pests.”

The paper won the “Outstanding Published Paper which Significantly Contributed to Transdisciplinary Work or Specialty Crops Industries” award, one of two Outstanding Published Paper Awards in the Specialty Crops Economics section. 

Congratulations, Daniel!

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