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Jun 28, 2017

NCSU Index of North Carolina Leading Economic Indicators for June 2017

ARE economist Mike Walden just released his NCSU Index of North Carolina Leading Economic Indicators for June 2017. The Index rose 1.7% in May from its reading in April, and… 

Jun 27, 2017

Dr. Tom Vukina Attends International Food Marketing Research Symposium in Dubrovnik

Dr. Tom Vukina recently attended the International Food Marketing Research Symposium in Dubrovnik, Croatia from June 14th-16th to present his paper entitled, “Substitutability between Organic and Conventional Poultry Products and… 

Jun 14, 2017

ARE Economist Published in the Wall Street Journal on Repealing the Jones Act

Dr. Thomas Grennes, ARE Economist, discussed the repeal of the Jones Act, which has been published in the Wall Street Journal. 

Jun 9, 2017

Agricultural Institute Student, Dane Lewis, Attends SEALS Program

Agricultural Institute student, Dane Lewis, recently attended the Clemson University’s Southeast Agricultural Lenders School (SEALS) during the end of May. At SEALS, they focus on assuring their students acquire the… 

Jun 2, 2017

Scott Cravens, IT Administrator, Retiring After 28 Years

Scott Cravens, IT Administrator for the ARE Department, is retiring after working at NC State University for 28 years! A West Virginia native, Scott has a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science… 

May 30, 2017

Seeking an Extension Assistant Professor in Agricultural Law

The Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ARE) in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at North Carolina State University is seeking applications to fill a non-tenure track Extension… 

May 12, 2017

Agriculture and Agribusiness: North Carolina’s Number One Industry

ARE Economist, Dr. Mike Walden, recently updated his 2015 estimates of the economic contribution of agriculture and agribusiness in North Carolina. Agriculture and agribusiness — food, fiber and forestry —  account… 

May 11, 2017

Congratulations, Dr. Jonathan Phillips!

Senior Lecturer Jonathan Phillips is now Dr. Jonathan Phillips after completing his PhD in Economics this spring. 

May 5, 2017

Kendall del Rio Receives CALS Award for Excellence

Kendall del Rio, Student Services Assistant to the Undergraduate Office of ARE, won the CALS Award for Excellence in April! Kendall is recognized for her excellent efforts supporting our Undergraduate Coordinator and… 

Apr 24, 2017

Dr. Edward Kick Nominated for 2017 Jackson Rigney International Service Award

Our own Dr. Edward Kick was among four nominees for the 2017 Jackson Rigney International Service Award.