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Margaret Huffman

Feb 13, 2018

Beghin Elected AAEA Fellow

John Beghin, Professor and Department Head of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ARE), has been elected Fellow of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, the main professional association of agricultural economists. 

Feb 13, 2018

NCSFMRA Creates New Endowment at Annual Meeting

After a year of work, the Society formally established an endowment to fund up to two NC State student scholarships per year. 

Feb 1, 2018

Small NC Communities Attractive to Retirees

The low cost of living and Wilson’s proximity to the Triangle give the town the opportunity to attract new residents and boost the local economy. 

Jason Barbour

Feb 1, 2018

AgPack Strong: Ag Institute Grad Jason Barbour Diversifies

On his farm near Four Oaks, Jason Barbour grows a lot of the usual North Carolina crops – tobacco, sweet potatoes, small grains, soybeans and corn. But in recent years he’s added a crop that wouldn’t make that list: popcorn. 

Feb 1, 2018

New Program Addresses the Business of Farming

The science, technology and business of farming in the 21st century are changing rapidly, and to compete on a global scale, farmers need to know not just how to grow a good crop but how to effectively lead complex, management-intensive operations. 

Jan 26, 2018

Connecting N.C. Agriculture, Nutrition Education

Researchers at NC State University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the University of North Carolina at Asheville have received a UNC System Inter-Institutional Grant, funded by the state General Assembly, to pilot a fruit-and-vegetable prescription program combined with a nutrition education program for low-income UNC Family Medicine patients suffering from diet-related chronic diseases. 

Aerial view of downtown Raleigh.

Jan 25, 2018

You Decide: What’s The Future Of Retail Buying?

As 2018 kicks off, there’s good news and bad news for retail sellers. 

Jan 22, 2018

Off-Road Vehicle Restriction Benefits Outweigh Costs for National Seashore

An economic analysis by North Carolina State University, Oregon State University and RTI International finds that the economic benefits of biodiversity and habitat preservation significantly outweigh the costs of off-road vehicle (ORV) restrictions at Cape Hatteras National Seashore. The study sheds light on the relative economic value of efforts to balance environmental protection with human access to public lands. 

Jan 16, 2018

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Effects on Individuals and Businesses

On December 22, 2017, President Trump signed H.R. 1, the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” into law which now changes the taxation landscape for individuals and businesses. 

Jan 12, 2018

Evaluating Labor Costs in the North Carolina Tobacco Industry

With the growing uncertainty of regulations involved in labor in the agriculture industry, understanding how there regulations might affect tobacco production is of a critical importance.