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Nov 1, 2017

ARE Welcomes Two New Staff Members

The Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics is pleased to welcome two new staff members to its ranks:  Erin Omba, Executive Assistant, and Margaret Huffman, Office Coordinator. Erin and Margaret… 

NC State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences professor Dr. Mike Walden working in a recording studio.

Oct 30, 2017

Economic Perspective: Tax Cuts And Economic Growth

With the current administration releasing it’s proposal for tax reform, Mike Walden looks at if the changes could spur economic and job growth. 

NC State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences professor Dr. Mike Walden working in a recording studio.

Oct 29, 2017

Economic Perspective: Can A Slowing Auto Market Endanger The Economy?

Economic Perspective: Can A Slowing Auto Market Endanger The Economy? After sizzling for several years there are worrisome signs in the auto buying market. Should we be concerned? 

Oct 29, 2017

ARE Student Team going to National Grocers Association Marketing Competition

The Agricultural & Resource Economics (“ARE”) Department at NCSU is sending a student team to the National Grocers Association (“NGA”) National Marketing Competition in February 2018.  NCSU and ARE have… 

Aerial view of Belltower and downtown Raleigh to the east of campus.

Oct 27, 2017

You Decide: What Will North Carolina Be Like In 2050?

Dr. Mike Walden gives a preview into his new book, and predicts what the state of North Carolina will be in the year 2050. 

CALS students Harrison Walker, Luke Stancil and Victoria Pender standing on steps

Oct 25, 2017

Not Your Ordinary Summer Internships

Whether on Capitol Hill or at the North Carolina General Assembly, three exceptional CALS students experienced once-in-a-lifetime summer internships.     

Oct 24, 2017

ARE Economist Wally Thurman Develops a New Tax Calculator which Puts a Price Tag on Land Conservation

ARE Economist and CEnREP affiliate Wally Thurman develops a tax calculator which puts a price tag on land Conservation. It takes a more sophisticated economic study to determine how state… 

Oct 24, 2017

What Will North Carolina’s Economy Look Like in 2050?

A new book by ARE economist Mike Walden examines the economic drivers that will play a role in shaping North Carolina over the coming decades, and what that will likely… 

Farmer in front of a barn with several chickens

Oct 13, 2017

NC Farm School Helps Aspiring Farmers Realize Dreams

James Payne has had two successful and rewarding careers, and now, with the help of NC Farm School, he’s put together a solid business plan that will allow him to launch a third one. This time, he wants to be a farmer. 

Aerial view of downtown Raleigh.

Oct 13, 2017

You Decide: Should We Worry About Monopolies?

Monopolies are a constant concern for economists. How have they been dealt with in the past, and what can be done about any looming ones in modern times?