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Downtown Raleigh, east of campus.

Aug 19, 2019

You Decide: What’s Behind the Three Top Economic Issues?

NC State University economist Dr. mike Walden addresses three prominent issues facing the economy today, and the factors that play into them. 

NC State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences professor Dr. Mike Walden working in a recording studio.

Aug 15, 2019

Economic Perspective: Hiring Over the Business Cycle

The popular adage "last hired, first fired" speaks to the hiring cycle in businesses, but does this apply equally across all levels? 

NC State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences professor Dr. Mike Walden working in a recording studio.

Aug 8, 2019

Economic Perspective: The Decline in Infrastructure

Spending on infrastructure in the U.S. has been on the decline. When did this trend start, and why is investing in infrastructure important? 

Downtown Raleigh, east of campus.

Aug 5, 2019

You Decide: How Different Are Local Economies?

A recently released study broke down American cities into categories based around economic output and their potential future. How did they group North Carolina communities? 

NC State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences professor Dr. Mike Walden working in a recording studio.

Jul 30, 2019

Economic Perspective: North Carolina’s Business Ranking

A new ranking of the states' attractiveness to businesses was released. What criteria was used, and where did North Carolina fall? 

Downtown Raleigh, east of campus.

Jul 22, 2019

You Decide: What Can We Do About National Debt

The national debt is always a point of discussion in politics. What goes into calculating the debt, and how can it be dealt with? 

NC State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences professor Dr. Mike Walden working in a recording studio.

Jul 18, 2019

Economic Perspective: Money and Gold

The United States left the gold standard in the 1970s. What is the gold standard, and what are the advantages of being on or off of it? 

NC State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences professor Dr. Mike Walden working in a recording studio.

Jul 11, 2019

Economic Perspective: Do We Need a National Rainy Day Fund?

Some states have implemented "rainy day" funds to help during recessions. Is this something that should be implemented on the national level? 

Downtown Raleigh, east of campus.

Jul 9, 2019

You Decide: Should We Just Let the Economy Work It Out?

What are the ways a government can legislate and economy, and what could it look like when applied to a certain sector? 

NC State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences professor Dr. Mike Walden working in a recording studio.

Jul 5, 2019

Economic Perspective: What Revived Cities?

Cities were declining in the 1960s and 1970s, but they've seen a turnaround. What sparked this?