Agricultural and Resource Economics Student Ambassadors serve as enthusiastic representatives of the Agricultural Business Management major and the department, engaging in many activities to promote awareness and understanding of our undergraduate programs. Through organizing campus events, offering peer support to fellow students and participating in outreach programs, these ambassadors play a vital role in creating a sense of community among our undergraduate students. In return, they gain valuable experience networking with our business partners and faculty.
Learn more about our 2023-24 student ambassadors below.

Lyness Amsberry – Freshman
Agricultural Business Management, Minor in Animal Science
“My career goal is to find ways to make agriculture more sustainable within animal and crop production. I want to do this through farm production management and hopefully run my own ranch one day. I chose ABM because I knew it would give me the right skills to be successful in an agricultural career, while also giving me the knowledge and resources I need to work in business management.”

Jonah Armstrong – Junior
Agricultural Business Management, Minors in Economics, Entrepreneurship and Crop Science
“I hope to become a farmer and a member of commodity groups. I chose ABM because running a farm as a business is a great way of life, but running a farm as a way of life is not a great business.”

Samantha Eubanks – Sophomore
Agricultural Business Management and Crop and Soil Sciences, Minor in Economics
“My goal is to help facilitate the success of North Carolina farmers through agronomic sales. I chose ABM because I knew this department would provide the best opportunities to network within and become a part of North Carolina’s crucial agricultural industry.”

Lydia Huggins – Senior
Agricultural Business Management, Minors in Economics, Entrepreneurship and German
“I want to work with economics, international business or agriculture policy. I chose ABM because it combines a practical and useful degree in business with my love for agriculture. I enjoy learning about international economic matters in agriculture and applying that knowledge to the real world.”

Theodore G. Karres – Sophomore
Agricultural Business Management
“I want to pursue a career in agricultural law. I chose agricultural business management because agriculture is the largest industry in North Carolina. My family originated in Greece, where my past family members farmed. I aim to uphold that legacy by demonstrating the significance of our agricultural labor force and by striving to enhance the appeal of the agricultural profession.”

Kathleen Marty – Senior
Agricultural Business Management
“My career aspirations are to work in Ag policy. I chose ABM to have a better understanding of what agriculturalists face in their businesses so that I can apply this knowledge to my future career.”

Ashtyn Myers – Senior
Agricultural Business Management, Minor in Agricultural Entrepreneurship
“I want to do my part to advocate for the Agriculture industry, ranging from corporate companies to small farmers, using leadership, policy and marketing/sales skills. I chose ABM so I could have the skills to be the person farmers rely on for their success within the industry.”

Stephen Pugh – Junior
Agricultural Business Management, Minor in Crop Science
“I plan to return home to farm alongside my parents and eventually run the family business. I chose ABM to learn more about the business side of agriculture and then be able to bring that business aspect back home.”

Aislinn Stroupe – Sophomore
Agricultural Business Management
“My goal is to pursue Ag communications with a focus on social media and marketing. I chose ABM because it combined my two passions perfectly, Agriculture and Business Communications. I know that with this degree, I can go any direction of my choosing, and I will have gained the skills necessary to be successful.”

Hunter Williams – Ag Institute Second Year
Agricultural Business Management
“My career aspirations are to work in farm equipment sales while being a part-time farmer. I chose ABM as my major because I became interested in the buying and selling of farm equipment while working at a tractor dealership in high school.”
To learn more about opportunities for students, visit our Undergraduate Programs page.