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Marne Coit Lauded for Teaching of Agriculture in Higher Education

The Talley tower reaches for the sky.

The North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA), a professional society that focuses on the scholarship of teaching and learning agriculture and related disciplines at the postsecondary level, bestowed Marne Coit the Educator Award for 2021.  The organization has members from two-year and four-year colleges, public and private, who assess which educators deserve special attention for their efforts. Coit will be honored at this year’s virtual conference in June.

Coit is active in course development, DELTA programs and has had her agricultural law class certified by Quality Matters. Her research and teaching focuses on food, agricultural and hemp law. Coit earned her Master’s degree in Environmental Law and JD from Vermont Law School, and her LLM in Food and Agricultural Law from the University of Arkansas School of Law in Fayetteville.