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Internship Spotlight: Kaylie Pender

Kaylie Pender

By Aislinn Stroupe

Kaylie Pender has spent her time in Caterpillar’s Building Construction Products (BCP) group, growing her knowledge of marketing and the different aspects of promoting construction equipment. A junior in Ag Business Management, she has used this position to narrow down her interests and explore potential careers available within marketing.

During this time, Pender has worked on a variety of projects, including new product introduction and even creating a more user-friendly guide for the various products that CAT supplies.

“I didn’t know if there would be a place for me in such a large company, but everyone has been so supportive and invested in my thoughts and ideas,” she said.

Pender encourages any student looking for an internship to be confident and bring their ideas to the table when meeting with industry professionals. For her, community has always been important, and this experience allowed her to connect with customers and coworkers who share her passion for agriculture.

“When meeting with new customers, sharing that I am in an Ag major and interested in Ag makes them more interested in what I have to say,” she said.

Networking is a large part of the internship experience. Pender has taken advantage of her new connections and met with company representatives to hold informational sessions dedicated to their positions.

“It’s important to ask questions and talk to people,” she said. “People love to talk about their jobs and the path they took to get there. No one path is the same. Sometimes you get thrown off your path and get back on.”

To learn more about the Agricultural Business Management major, visit our Undergraduate Programs page.