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Jun 3, 2022

You Decide: How Can We Prepare for the Coming Job Shifts?

The job field constantly shifts with new technologies and trends. How is North Carolina equipped to help workers adjust to the new markets? 

May 20, 2022

You Decide: How Will the Hospitality Industry Change?

The hospitality industry in North Carolina has had to adapt in recent years. How has it changed, and what could it look like in the future? 

May 6, 2022

You Decide: Do We Live in the Most Uncertain of Times?

The year 2022 has already contained numerous events the play directly on our society. What are they and what impacts are they having? 

Apr 22, 2022

You Decide: How Well Has North Carolina Dealt With COVID-19?

The National Bureau of Economic Research recently published a study on how individual states have dealt with the challenges of the pandemic. How did North Carolina measure up to the others? 

Apr 8, 2022

You Decide: Why Do Gas Prices Rise Faster Than They Fall?

Gas prices never seem to fall as fast as they rise. What factors could be happening behind the scenes? 

Michael Walden

Apr 6, 2022

Michael Walden publishes a new book

Michael Walden has published a new book. Michael Walden’s new book is called “Re-Launch: How Families Can Be Renewed and the American Dream Revived in the New Independent Lifestyle of… 

Apr 1, 2022

Student Spotlight: Max Hagaman

Hagaman's leadership and service not only expanded his professional network but fostered opportunities for other students to grow their network and build the agricultural community. 

Mar 31, 2022

ARE Economist Joins the Fight to Curb the Effects of Invasive Nematode on SweetPotatoes

Daniel Tregeagle will conduct economic analysis to determine the costs of adopting new growing methods to stop the spread of the guava root-knot nematode. 

Mar 30, 2022

Students Learn What Ag Lending Bank Seeks from Recent Grads

Representatives from First Bank visited ABM students to provide an industry update and give insight into what characteristics they look for when recruiting recent grads. 

Downtown Raleigh, east of campus.

Mar 28, 2022

You Decide: Will Agribusiness Be a Dynamic Future Industry?

What industries are going to lead in the future? Mike Walden discusses agribusiness and how the N.C. Plant Sciences Initiative can propel North Carolina into that future.