
Apr 3, 2017

Study IDs Ways to Encourage ‘Refuge’ Planting, Slowing Resistance to Bt Crops

A study finds a shortfall in the amount of “refuge” cropland being planted in NC – increasing the rate at which crop pests evolve the ability to devour genetically engineered Bt crops.

Mar 22, 2017

Restaurant and Farm Pairings Set for 10th Anniversary Farm to Fork Picnic

Farm to Fork Picnic Weekend events will feature culinary historian Michael Twitty and celebrate relationships between local farmers, chefs and culinary artisans.

Mar 16, 2017

Online Master of Nutrition Program Nabs Top National Ranking

For the second year in a row, NC State’s online Master of Nutrition program ranked No. 1 on a list of the country’s top programs by

Mar 7, 2017

Online Dashboards Illustrate Local Foods Spending Data

Where are North Carolinians buying local foods? How much are they spending? These are just some of the questions being answered through a collaboration of the NC 10% Campaign and RTI International.

Jan 19, 2017

Manganese Oxides in Treatment System Could Be Mixed Blessing

Bad news or good news? Black sludge grows in water-treatment plant, but can it be used to clean up metal pollutants?

Nov 22, 2016

Cooking Stuffing This Holiday? Here’s a Simple Way to Help Ward Off Foodborne Illness

Some food safety tips to help you avoid making loved ones sick this holiday season — because nothing ruins a get-together like projectile vomiting.

Nov 9, 2016

Study Highlights Diversity of Arthropods Found in Homes Across the United States

Researchers used DNA testing and citizen science to create an “atlas” that shows the range and diversity of arthropods found in homes across the continental United States.

Oct 19, 2016

Celebrate All Things NC State During Red and White Week

The annual Red and White Week leading up to next Saturday’s Homecoming football game against Boston College at Carter-Finley will have a slew of activities, from Chancellor Randy Woodson’s annual fall address next Friday afternoon to food and beer presentations to free Howling Cow ice cream on Stafford Commons for students.

Sep 13, 2016

Study Reveals Soil Influence on Well Water Manganese Levels

Levels of a dangerous heavy metal are above water-quality standards for more than 1 million southeastern Piedmont residents. NC State researchers get to the bottom (and the top) of the problem.

Aug 24, 2016

Nutrition Matters: Stress From Migratory Beekeeping May Be Eased by Access to Food

Traveling presents challenges for honey bees used to pollinate crops, but research shows that some of these challenges can be mitigated by providing other food sources while bees are on the road.