
Apr 23, 2024

‘Sunny Day Flooding’ Increases Fecal Contamination of Coastal Waters

The findings suggest public health officials should be aware of potential risks associated with tidal flooding.

Jan 9, 2024

How a Distinguished Professorship Became a Career Pinnacle

Gary Roberson, the Charles W. Suggs Distinguished Professor in CALS, is retiring after 40 years. His relationship with a departmental legend — the donor and namesake behind his title — helped pave his way to success.

Aug 24, 2023

From Ideas to Solutions

Six projects secured support from the Chancellor’s Innovation Fund this year, and for the first time in the fund’s history, awardees will receive supplemental resources through local entrepreneur and investor Bill Spruill’s 2ndF Research Commercialization Fund.

Apr 26, 2023

Graduate Programs Keep Climbing in Rankings

This year’s U.S. News rankings bring good news for NC State’s graduate programs. Three programs placed in the top five nationwide, while numerous other graduate programs advanced.

Apr 18, 2023

NC State Names New Dean of College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Garey Fox has been named dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at North Carolina State University following a nationwide search. His appointment becomes effective August 1, pending Board of Trustees approval.

Mar 22, 2023

Sargassum is a Growing Problem. Researchers May Have a Solution

Funded with a $2.25 million grant from the Department of Energy, NC State researchers will collect sargassum and combine it with wood waste to produce sustainable aviation fuel and battery-grade graphite.

Mar 6, 2023

Wheeled Robot Measures Leaf Angles to Help Breed Better Corn Plants

The technology is more efficient than conventional techniques, providing plant breeders with useful data more quickly.

Feb 28, 2023

Estuaries Face Higher Nutrient Loads in the Future – Particularly on the Atlantic Coast

The finding suggests estuaries, particularly on the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, will face a heightened risk of experiencing harmful algal blooms.

Oct 10, 2022

New Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration Will Tackle Global Challenges

A new collaboration between NC State and the Technical University of Denmark aims to uncover new biology-based methods for CO2 management and sustainable fertilizer production.

Aug 24, 2022

Researchers Capture the Beauty of Our Weird, Wonderful World

Winners of the 2022 Envisioning Research contest, which included faculty, staff and students from CALS, help us understand, and appreciate, our world.