Emma Macek
Could Biostimulants Save Doomed Cotton Seedlings?
Lori Unruh-Snyder discovered that cotton seed damage locations and patterns can accurately predict seedling performance. Now, they are testing ways growers could overcome these deficits.
An Unforgettable Undergraduate Experience
Shelby Orton was drawn to agriculture at an early age. From childhood experiences going on veterinary calls with her father to a summer camp tour of NC State, she always wanted to learn more.
The Road Less Traveled
Biological and Agricultural Engineering doctoral graduate Emine Fidan chose to pursue a doctorate immediately after completing her bachelor’s in biosystems engineering with the intention of becoming a professor.
Engineering Solutions: Where Stormwater Meets the Roadway
Kristen Navaroli, a 2017 Biological and Agricultural Engineering graduate, is working to mitigate the effects of climate change and improve the living conditions of economically disadvantaged communities.
Solving Problems and Building the Next Generation of Engineers
Sydney Seymour, a three-time alumnus from NC State’s Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, owns an international consulting firm. He’s also passionate about training young engineers.
Sweet-APPS Yielding Sweet Success
From deploying innovative sensors to creating productive relationships with stakeholders, the Sweetpotato Analytics for Produce Provenance and Scanning project has had a rewarding first two years.
Making North Carolina Oysters Good Eats
Vashti Campbell, a Ph.D. graduate from the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, recently conducted research to help improve oyster production in North Carolina.
Solving the Stormwater Upstream Battle
From his passion for water to his interest in history, Bill Hunt’s career has been filled with full-circle moments.
A New Generation Agricultural Engineer
Meet Emory New, a graduating senior from the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering and the NC Watermelon Queen.
The WASTE Lab: Adding Value to Agricultural Waste
Praveen Kolar and student researchers in the WASTE Lab are rethinking ways to use leftover materials and valorize them.