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Oct 31, 2020

New Extension Resources

See recent presentations from ARE Extension on risk management in the dairy industry, the NC swine enterprise, CFAP 2.0, and farm estates and wealth transfer. 

Jun 18, 2020

NC Dairy Industry: A Glass That’s More Than Half-Full

North Carolina’s dairy industry plays a key role in North Carolina’s agricultural fabric, contributing more than $10 billion to the state’s total economy. Despite its ups and downs, dairy farmers remain committed to providing families with delicious and nutritious dairy products for a family meal or quick snack. 

May 28, 2020

More Clarity on CFAP Direct Payments for Dairy Farmers

Signup period begAN May 26, 2020 and runs through August 28, 2020. Call your local FSA office and schedule a phone appointment to sign up for CFAP sooner rather than later. 


Apr 29, 2020

Got PPP Funds? Make Sure You’re Tracking Those Dollars

In June or July, the goal should be to have all the documentation at your fingertips to help make it easier for you to substantiate and maximize your loan forgiveness. 

A student prepares to milk cows at the newly constructed dairy facility off Lake Wheeler Road.

Apr 27, 2020

Milk Dumping: A Visual Explanation

While personal and home use of dairy products has increased significantly in the last few weeks, that increase has not been sufficient enough to offset the diminished demand from restaurants, school systems, and universities. 

cows being milked

Mar 17, 2020

State of the Dairy 2020: Southeast: At a Crossroads

ARE Extension Associate Brittany Whitmire explains the current status of the dairy market in North Carolina and describes the mood as "tempered hopefulness." 

Feb 12, 2019

Raw Milk: Branan and Day Present on Cow Sharing Agreements

New laws on the sale of raw milk can be confusing. This article can help. 

Aug 28, 2018

Discover NC Dairy

From inside a tractor can to the milking parlor in action, our new website takes you behind the scenes - and into every corner - of a modern dairy farm. 

Jun 25, 2018

Discover NC Dairy Debut

Discover NC Dairy is a virtual dairy farm tour that will soon be available for dairy producers, extension agents and agricultural educators from NC State Extension.  The video kiosk version had its maiden voyage at the 90th annual NC FFA Convention in Raleigh on June 19-20, 2018.