Student Spotlight: Daniyar Zhumadilov
The NC State Economics Graduate Program combines two departments (Economics and Agricultural and Resource Economics) in order to produce well-rounded students, create real-world research, give first-hand experience and prepare them for success after graduation. Students in the graduate program can further benefit from a network of strong researchers through affiliation with The Center for Environment and Resource Economic Policy (CEnREP).
CEnREP at NC State is a program that focuses on environmental stewardship and provides leadership and training to environmental economist students and policymakers. CEnREP consists of affiliated faculty in areas like forestry, economics, or natural resources who collaborate with engineers and social and natural scientists. CEnREP has programs in leadership in research, outreach, advising, policy research and educational workshops in order to ultimately advance environmental solutions.
Daniyar Zhumadilov, is a Economics graduate student who has broadened his reach into the academic community by getting involved with CEnREP.
Daniyar started working on his paper, “Effect of Anti Price Gouging Laws on Booking and Pricing Patterns on Airbnb” August of 2019. His research followed the changes in prices and number of listings booked through Airbnb in the cities expected to be affected by hurricanes. He collected his data by examining Airbnb listings, using geographical locations where hurricanes occur often and starting during its prime season. He watched a tropical storm closely which later turned into Category 5 Hurricane Dorian on August 28th. Due to evacuation orders following a hurricane warning, people migrate to safer areas which causes an increase in demand for temporary living. Anti-Price Gouging Laws (APGLs) prevent sellers from raising prices during emergencies. Danyiar analyzes the prices and booking patterns for Airbnb with consideration of APGLs.
Daniyar was accepted into a fellowship at the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC) where his mentors, Dr. Walter Thurman and Dr. Robert Wright helped him refine his research and analyze his data to solve his objectives. He was able to present his findings at two seminars which allowed him to receive helpful feedback from other PERC fellows. Daniyar accounts that although COVID-19 has affected him in some ways, it doesn’t hinder much of his work and time at PERC. He advises those in fellowships to become familiar with virtual calling and practice presenting in order to produce an equally effective presentation.
“Being a CEnREP student provided me the opportunities and resources that allowed me to further expand on my research.” Daniyar explains that by taking advantage of the resources available, he was able to hone his skills and grow as a presenter. He got the opportunity to present his research idea, “Effect of Nuclear Power Plants on Local Crop Yields” at a CEnREP colloquium last year. With the feedback he received, he developed his paper that later became a chapter in his dissertation. Daniyar has also presented his paper at the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s Annual Meeting.
One class that has had a lasting effect on Daniyar was ECG 742 (Consumption, Demand, and Market Interdependency) taught by Dr. Walter Thurman. The class focused on overall economics and was applied to real economic policies. It is a PhD-level course that allowed him to grasp a better understanding on economic concepts and how it can be applied in the real world. Daniyar’s experience at CEnREP has prepared him for his fellowship, research and his future. He hopes to obtain a career in research, academia or the private sector.
CEnREP gives students the opportunity to grow in their fields of study by providing multiple resources that assist in professional growth. By challenging students to further their knowledge and skills, the program is confident in their ability to produce next generation economists.
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