New Book: The Economics of Integrated Pest Management of Insects

This book contains 10 chapters addressing the economic analyses of integrated management of pests in crops, animals and humans. The economic evaluation that can identify which factors in the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) system are most important in their impact on the comparison of costs and benefits are also discussed. Chapter summaries from ARE contributors are below.
“What Can we Learn from More Recent (and More ‘Rigorous’) Economic Impact Assessments of Integrated Pest Management Farmer Field Schools (IPM-FFS)?”
Rod Rejesus
IPM Farmer Field Schools (FFS) is intended to be a participatory training style by extension professionals with farmers. An experiential learning approach is considered superior to top-down dissemination of IMP knowledge. The goal of this chapter is to review and expand upon on current literature regarding IPM-FFS as well as analyze recent economic impact studies. The chapter ultimately aims to provide recommendations for those delivering IPM content.
“Economic Principles and Concepts in Area-Wide Genetic Pest Management”
Zachary Brown, Mike Jones, John Mumford
In this chapter, the authors inspect the economic principles of using genetically modified insects within an IPM plan. Genetic Pest Management (GPM) is assessed through the lens of economic efficiency in order to make conclusions that can be applied to a farm’s IPM system. Due to the potential ramifications of gene editing, the authors also discuss the need for care in integration.