EFM Bootcamp is a Wrap!
This has been the year of change for so many and that includes the Executive Farm Management Program. Normally the program meets over the course of 2 months in various locations across the Southeast but this year the program was condensed and offered as an online “Bootcamp” to prepare students for a full in-person EFM in 2022. Because the program was virtual, participants were not limited by geography and growers from as far away as Michigan and Texas participated.
This year’s program also focused on bringing in additional Extension Agents who can share some of the tools and resources the program teaches with their constituents. These agents have now seen proof of concept and can recommend the program to growers who would benefit from increasing their financial literacy, thinking strategically, improving their leadership skills and planning for the next generation. Extension Agents from NC State, Clemson University, University of Georgia, Auburn University, University of Florida and Oklahoma State attended the Bootcamp.
Another new development was the use of tuition credits from commodity organizations for their growers. The National Peanut Board and NC Soybean Producers Association partnered with EFM to incentivize peanut growers within the US and soybean growers in NC to attend EFM’s Bootcamp. Commodity organizations play a huge role in assisting their members become resilient and forward-thinking and the Executive Farm Program is one way in which growers can achieve those goals.
While the 2021 Bootcamp was a success, the program director, Blake Brown, is hopeful the program will be in-person next year.